
I love, love, love all of the same sex couples who have posted their own pictures on the Duggars' Facebook page in absolute sincerity. I love it that these pictures look just like the pictures of hetero couples. So much so that sometimes you have to look closely, or read the caption, to tell that this marriage is

I bet this happens more often than you think. When the Broomsticks were just little twigs we took them to one of those Japanese steakhouses where they do a whole show at the hibachi. Littlest twig let tells me his Shirley Temple (godawful drink, the renown Ms. Temple Black should've sued) tastes funny. I told him

I have a teenage son who also feels he is not getting an adequate car.

I love in Georgia and I can not understand why this woman still has custody of her children.

Thank you to both of you. It was so nice to read such a respectful, thoughtful exchange of ideas. Most comments seem to devolve into silly insults. I enjoyed listening in on your conversation.

I'm going to call urban legend on this one. I heard the exact story twenty yeas ago from friends in med school doing their ER rotation.. Their version included the immortal line, "I've got vines growing out of my Virginia."

I'm calling urban myth on this. I heard the same story more than twenty years ago from friends in medical school at the time. The best part was the history presented by the patient at the ER: "Ove got vines growing out of my Virginia!"

Why would anyone over the age of consent have their wedding at Disney? It seems that being over the Princesses should be a requirement for making such an important commitment. And please tell me the $12,000 pays for the whole wedding and not just the stupid cake.

This is kind of a yawn. The picture is adorable and the headline is nowhere near as nasty as some of the things right wingers have been tweeting. Why is it that the family values party feels it's cool to go after children?