“How many Twitter followers did he have? I’l bet I have two or three times as many!”
“How many Twitter followers did he have? I’l bet I have two or three times as many!”
I’m just stuck on the floor boards and building it for less. Like...it’s hundreds of years old.
I’m honestly astounded that this isn’t satire.
But then this nightmare will be over!
Just try not to trample any flowers, knock over any rock piles, or carve your name into anything while your out there ffs.
I was briefly trapped in my home town during the recent flooding in Nebraska. I told my dad (who is great) I was going to to take a shower so I didn’t smell if we had to evacuate, and he was like “Yeah, there might be some cute National Guard guys for you!” Good lookin’ out, Dad. :)
And fix yourself up a little, you might meet someone
Nice try, mom
Until you get eaten by a bear.
I was born.
When I was about 6ish/ 7 ( I am an old) I was allowed to take my birthday money and go to the college record store to buy a record. The college kids kind of steered me to a record with a picture of Queen Elizabeth on the cover instead of the Little Red Hen, and I liked the tiara so I unknowingly bought a Sex Pistols…
Hi guys. 10 days ago, I had to put my dear kitty down. He had a brain tumour. I miss him so much. Not sure why the photo is upside down, but here he is in happier times.
Shelter Cat Update!
“Passengers who require service animals will now be able to bring up to three on board”
Are you ok after that ridiculous reach?
Oh hey, look, a psychopath.
There are millions of us!
I’ll admit, up front, that I take this one pretty personally. My family has spent the last two years trying to recover from an actual violent hate crime, which my husband barely (and I mean barely) survived. It still affects him, mentally and physically, on a daily basis. There are still more surgeries left ahead of us…
I’ve never been more grateful to not care about Empire.
One could argue that legitimate victims of hate crimes are harmed by this because it decreases the chances people will believe their accusations.