PersnicketyPants (Enemy of Trolls)

Jez writers seem to be overwhelmingly pro-Bernie, and probably believe that if Reade's allegations force Biden out of the race, it will allow Bernie to ride in on a white steed to take over the nomination. 🙄🙄🙄

I’m going to get a lot of hate for saying this but I think the reason a lot of people are bending over backwards to believe Ms. Reade is because the right has effectively weaponize “Believe women” to paint progressives as hypocrites and I think most people could have seen that coming a mile away. Unfortunately, issues…

I don’t know. We seem to be bending over backwards to find reasons why we should believe Tara Reade. Mostly centered on “believe women,” a concept I support. And I know that there’s a lot about how “real victims” behave and how damaging that is—so we shouldn’t factor in her character, which is that she’s a lifelong…

The Politico article could have been written about my sister. She did exactly the kinds of things attributed to Tara Reade. She was always in financial trouble, always asking for help, and more than willing to walk away and leave others holding the bag. She made up detailed stories about her life — like how she had to…

I honestly cannot figure out why Jezebel keeps defending this lady. The best investigative journalists have followed up and can’t confirm her story. The Obama campaign vetted Biden thoroughly before making him the VP. They wouldn’t miss this if it was real. Everything about her allegations feel wrong about what people…

I’m not sure this article really tracks with what Politico was doing. To go public with a sexual assault case against a powerful individual requires one of two things: evidence, or a leap of faith on behalf of the public.

Bernie’s supporters always seem to approach his candidacy as if it’s an inherent reality that young people are better, or more worthy, or more valuable. Votes, in the end, are valuable, and all people are valuable, as everyone’s effort to shelter and protect the elderly happens now. WHY does Biden need to win over…

Don't worry, they are just being counterproductive assholes. Just imagine the article where they'd be falling over themselves to praise Bernie if he'd done the same thing. 

Do not compare likely running mates Kamala Harris, Val Demmings, Stacy Abrams, or Liz Warren with Sarah Palin. This isn’t about tokenism, and this isn’t about bringing in some cornpone cover girl because she’s pretty and sassy. This is about bringing in a serious intellectual with solid experience and national…

It DOES matter. If Biden wins the nomination and the election, he is only going to be a ONE TERM President. He is setting his VP up to run and win the next election. 

I love how the hysteria of Bernie stans so worried he will not get the nomination (he won’t) that they’ll twist themselves into pretzels to excuse Bernie Sanders’ failings. Tell me again how making a concerted, intentional effort to place women in positions of great power and authority in the United States government…

You are NOT seriously comparing the woman Biden may pick, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Stacey Abrams, to Sarah Palin.

The constant critique people give Bernie, though, is his lack of specificity in his plans. “it’ll happen” because it should. Whereas Biden gave a clear promise of intent.

I think these feelings are specifically because it’s *this* woman. It’s because not only is she so much more competent and qualified than anyone else up there, Warren was held up as the example 4 years ago when everyone was saying they’d vote for a woman, just not Hillary.

Bernie had a heart attack and it’s largely been forgotten *fancy shrug emoji* 

With any luck, Biden or Bernie makes her their VP, then promptly dies.

Why do some supporters make it seem like 1 bot was mean to you online when, especially if you are a black woman or any other PoC, you don’t even have to mention bernie, you just had to say something nice about warren and some bernie supporters will swarm your mentions asking why you want people to die. Their behavior…

Elizabeth Warren was the only true front runner who was properly vetted. Meanwhile Biden and Sanders were allowed to fail upwards.

After the snake emojis and treatment of Warren supporters by the bros, I'm not inclined to feel the Been. 

We are totally ready to have a female President.