We did what she asked. And thank you. We’ve probably made the world better because of it.
We did what she asked. And thank you. We’ve probably made the world better because of it.
She didn’t just do well because she bodied Bloomberg. She also came with detailed itemized plans of who she will tax, how she will pay for her plans and she is the only who consistently tied economic and social/racial inequality to health care, education, climate change, child care, immigration etc. The only minus was…
Hi there very real and legitimate Sanders supporter with an account created an hour ago. Thanks for your contribution
She’s currently in 3rd in delegates. And Bernie isn’t in first. So, if you want to claim that “the primary is over”, then you better be prepared to vote Buttigieg in November.
Oh my god shut the fuck up, two states out of 50 have voted. I’m an obvious Bernie supporter but just shut upppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
Yeah no, the primary is not over, I don’t need the residents of Iowa and New Hampshire speaking for me.
She had a great debate lastnight and starting out like that was just beautiful.
It was beyond satisfying to watch Bloomberg shrivel up like George Costanza’s dong in a cold pool under Warren’s assault.
IDK I thought the “sweeping reform candidate with ACTUAL FUCKING STEP-BY-STEP PLANS” was a pretty great niche but what do I know
that is cute!
Thank you! It soothed the sadness of an Andrew Yang fan.
haha, thank you!
A win is a win. But I wonder if anyone in his campaign is worried that he’s been running for years and promising this “revolution” with this massive increase in voter turnout...and this “revolution” keeps topping out in the mid-to-upper 20's. Yeah, it’s a crowded field in literal numbers, but most of the other…
Yup, preach it from the mountaintop.
“OOOOOOOHHHHH Shiiiiiiny.”
I asked one of them why not Warren, and his response was “I like Warren, but Buttigieg’s star is rising”.
What I can’t seem to make sense of is the #1 issue in all the polls by far is a candidate to beat Trump, and yet Buttigieg is winning early despite the fact that every poll has him doing worse against Trump than all of the others. A Quinnipiac poll just today in head to heads against Trump had Sanders and Bloomberg at…
I like Warren but honestly I will fight just as hard for any of these clowns to kick Trump to the curb.