PersnicketyPants (Enemy of Trolls)

And the thing is, she lies. About things she doesn’t need to lie about. She is an established liar.  That is not normal behavior.

Well said.  I agree with you.  

I think Biden is going to pick Kamala Harris; and then only serve one term, paving the way for her candidacy in 2024.

Careful; if you speak ill of Bernie; they will permanently gray you.  That’s what they did to me, after 4 years of loyal readership and over 100 followers.  The mean girls at Jezebel can be really mean.  And they especially don’t like feminists who speak out.

I would be careful.  Criticizing Bernie on this site will get you permanently grayed.  That’s what they did to me after 4 years as a loyal reader and commenter.

There is only one question we need to ask. Which country are we each going to move to after Trump is re elected. Because we fucked it up yet again.

Warren took Bloomberg apart piece by piece and fed him to Bailey.

I suspect (hope!) that his 15 to 20% came from Biden supporters looking for another centrist and they saw the nonstop ads he was running showing him joined at the hip with Obama (which of course were misleading).  So I hope that that bubble has been burst; he has been properly exposed and the bottom falls out from 

LOL. “The Primary is over, white people in two sparsely populated states have spoken”

And let’s be clear, she is better positioned to unify the party than Sanders, who isn’t even a democrat. We could have a solid progressive who moderates like too. We could go into November with a strong united party and a woman that Trump is afraid of.

Does anyone else fear we are going to lose the election; because two men and their giant egos are about to got scorched earth on each other?  (Bloomberg and the other old white guy).  And I fear the consequences will be suppressed turn out.

Pretty good analysis

I’m being erased too. After being a loyal reader and commenter for over 5 years; and ungrayed for 4 of them; they randomly grayed me.

What the fuck is going on?

That’s not how you spell Buttigieg.

I’m so exhausted.  It feels like this primary season has been going on forever.

That’s because he got trounced in NH.  Not sure why you think that applies.  Do you want me to wait until Nevada and South Carolina to say the same thing?  Because I am guessing the same thing might happen.

I should add that this video is for anyone who wants to have a laugh.  God knows we all could use it.

For those fellow Warren supporters, here’s a relaxing video to soothe your sadness, which strangely enough kind of reminds me of the candidates in this race:

Sure, he won, but does it “belong” to Bernie when he only won 26% of the vote? Which means that 74% of voters picked someone other than Bernie?