PersnicketyPants (Enemy of Trolls)

It’s why I’ve taken to using the phrase “purse lipped ideologues”. I don’t have a lot of patience for that kind of rigidity either. I’d prefer Warren, but whomever ends up the nominee is a vast improvement on Trump.

I am so frustrated by the primaries. Lurking on political websites, I noticed a growing trend. The majority of voters are in the “not Bernie” and “not Biden” camp.

Sometimes I lurk in the r/politics sub on reddit. Like most of the internet, Bernie’s most zealous supporters have made it their sub, but lately I’ve been noticing an uptick of Buttigieg supporters. I asked one of them why not Warren, and his response was “I like Warren, but Buttigieg’s star is rising”. This is what

Her campaign brought down by a stupid meme (“Kamala is a Cop”) probably thought up in some right wing thing tank or Russian troll farm.

I keep hoping that Trump’s heart attack happens sooner rather than later.

That’s it in a nutshell.

I can’t blame you.  Just bring plenty of refreshments.

Chris is a Bernie supporter; Rachel is a Warren supporter.  Rachel has been a big fan of Warren for years; she has a house in Massachusetts.

And I’m frankly pissed off that Booker and Harris got pushed out so early. If Warren isn’t going to make it; then they would have been a better viable alternative. Instead we are left with Buttigieg, Klobuchar, and a couple of crotchety old white guys.

I am looking forward with glee to Twitter blowing up on Collins twitter page after her defeat with the has hasttag #IThinkSheLearnedHerLesson

I can see it now:

As I see it, there are two kinds of republicans who aren’t Trumpanzees. The first are willing to get in bed with Trump because he gives them the power to enact their cutting taxes for the rich and powerful and deregulation agenda and they’ve always been completely mercenary; and the others who are so disgusted by

I was mulling over the idea of California being first. I like the candidates taking the year and building up support here and we reflect the diversity of the democratic party. But then I remembered that the vast majority of us vote by mail and it can take a week for the full results to come in. We would be as

I had this conversation the other day that now that Trump knows he is above the law and will face no consequences, he is off the leash and will get much worse.  The person that I was talking to thinks that there is nothing worse that Trump could possibly do.  But I know from these past 3 years, no matter how low he

I expect the Above The Law Idiot Criminal In Chief will start firing people left and right now. The man is a one man wreaking ball; made of lard, pancake make up and cowardice.

She’s rubbing her bigotry against mint chocolate in our face!

That’s kind of ridiculous. There is no work place that doesn’t have problems. The test is addressing and fixing those problems when it comes to her attention.


U think no matter who the nominee is Trump will win. I wish I had your confidence.

I mean, I could be wrong; wouldn’t be the first time won’t be the last time*. But, dare I even say it, I have hope.