PersnicketyPants (Enemy of Trolls)

Older people vote consistently; including in midterms. Younger people don’t. They are the ones we need to put more effort into GOTV.

Bernie’s blind spot has always been social justice.  He cares almost solely about economic justice.  Yes, he might have policies, written by his team to address social justice issues, but you rarely see him speak about it.  It’s like it makes him uncomfortable.  

I feel like the way to get away from personal animus for whomever ends up the nominee is to talking about issues and  ideas rather than the person.  Regardless of who the nominee ends up being, his/her ideas and policies are a 1000 times better than Trump’s.  

I agree. The absolute worst things we need right now is anyone being divisive. We are going to have a challenging job getting everyone to vote for the eventual nominee already.

I think there is a problem with certain people on the left sneering at feminism and social justice issues; but the time to address that is AFTER we defeat Trump.  Sanders is not Trump by any definition.  

I can’t be the only one who’s tired of WOC being held up as a shield for the Toxic Berners misogynist BS (internalized or otherwise). He has real problems on the record acknowledging just how race/gender/sexuality/ multiply the effects of inequality. As a result, he’s very appealing to a certain variety of leftist who

I don’t know if it will harm Sanders candidacy or not in 2020. I do think the Sanders of 2020 is a better candidate than the Sanders of 2016. He is reluctant to engage in personal attacks. Something he was happy to do in 2016.

Do they think Hulu is a native dance of Hawaii?

As if both can’t be wrong.  Duh.

That’s it in a nutshell. While Hillary is to blame for her loss; that doesn’t mean others are completely blameless. There is a difference between wanting to reform the democratic party and wanting to burn it down and dance in the ashes. The 2016 Sanders was the later. That did not help down ticket races in 2016.

It seems to be part of her personality. To never accept blame.

1. Really bad timing; our single minded focus for 2020 should be defeating Trump, period. Right now, we have a vigorous fight on our hands as to which candidate will prevail. And after a candidate prevails; we have the monumental task of bringing everyone together to swallow their disappointment and vote blue no

Amazing how prescient that is.

Is that an MLK quote?  Or someone else?

Trump would have solved civil rights in a day; he doesn’t understand why everyone thinks it’s so hard. /s

Lol.  Also crying.

I vote willfully ignorant, corrupt, and hopped up on oxy. Kind of prerequisite for working in the Trump administration.

By “mean boss” I meant yelling and berating his staff.  Duh.

I seem to recall in 2016 there were reports of Sanders being a mean boss.

I can only imagine something like this: