PersnicketyPants (Enemy of Trolls)

I’m a huge fan of Warren and Castro.

And the people who didn’t bother to vote* or voted 3rd party aren’t murderers, but their negligence enabled the murderers.

Trump won the electoral college by a mere 78,000 votes across 3 states. States that have since swing back in 2018 midterms. That’s like catchng lightening in a bottle; I don’t think Trump will do that again. Particularly since he has shrunk not grown his base.

I wish Michael Moore was a 1/3 of all white males.  What a better country we would have!

As a Warren supporter (or Bernie), I think you are mistaking the motivations of those who are supporting Biden.

As a Warren supporter, I can say definitively that I would vote for 3 day old road kill over Trump.

So let me get this straight, CBS, the network for old white people, got two black civil rights icons mixed up?

Are you misunderstanding my post?

I would not use the word “torture”.  Not saying it isn’t bad.  But I would not use the word “torture”.

Yeah, there is a decided difference between Bernie and Bernie Bros as well as between his policies, which are good, and some of his tactics, which aren’t. Although I think his tactics are better in 2020 than they were in 2016.

I mean it’s fine if Bernie supporters want to stick with Bernie, but they don’t have the right to defame Warren in the process. Rather than celebrating that we have two strong far left candidates running; they act entitled and put upon that another candidate dares to challenge Bernie for the nomination.

Criticisms of the institutional democratic party are fair.

That’s not what I’ve seen. Biden has more support from POC than Sanders. What statistics are you looking at?  

I love Julian Castro!  I hope he gets picked as VP regardless of who is the nominee.

You can’t fault people for being afraid that the democratic party won’t come together and vote for the nominee in sufficient enough numbers to defeat Trump. Regardless of whom the nominee is. Particularly those of us who aren’t white.

I think the majority of them have learned their lesson with Trump’s election.

Let’s be frank, Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million votes, and only lost the electoral college by 78,000 votes across 3 states. So any scenario is probable. She could have won, if Comey did not release that letter 11 days before election; she could have won had she not used a private server for her

Gird you’re loins, Jezzies, here come the Bernie Bros* with a google alert for “Bernie Sanders” in 3, 2, 1..........

Can they not throw that word around lightly? “Torture”. Let’s save that for actual torture; god knows the world has already too much actual “torture”. Like “rape” when people use that word for things that aren’t rape (like he’s “raping the environment”). These words should not be taken lightly.

Basically Biden is a symptom of Trump. He wouldn’t be the frontrunner imho if Trump weren’t president, because voters believe that he is the candidate most likely to defeat Trump.