
One time I got so frustrated playing Ninja Gaiden I burned a cross on my neighbors lawn.

This isn’t a show. It’s the study of emptiness

Vague episode two spoilers? I have half a mind to flag this post!

Who are these people who expect to be loved by their city? It’s often said that New York City doesn’t care about you. Yeah? So if I go to St. Louis the Cardinals come out and give me a high five, while the Arch looks down and says “Looking good, Pink Skull”? No. Cities in general, do not give one rats ass about you.

I hope this dude gets chased out of city after city until he’s reduced to fleeing a Carpathian village after telling an ornery goose he doesn’t want to have sex with it.

“Why are we hitting ourselves? Why are we hitting ourselves?”


I’m gonna type you a story whether you want to read it or not. Ha-HA!


“Fine, they can keep Air Buddies.”

If this is the idea you come up with fresh out of film school it means that you weren’t in film school long enough.

I’ve been making my way through his New Yorker short stories and they’re really, really good. That is all.

I saw Inhumans this weekend. It was pretty great actually and I’m sorry it wasn’t a bigger hit. I thought they did a great job with Dr. Flame and The Creature was exactly how I remember from the comic. I loved the way the Inhumans came together to defeat The Purple Midnight in the end. It was a satisfying first

That upset you? How does that sentence not put a smile on your face? You do realize a rapping clown said it right? Can’t you see the work? The Secret is the perfect book for a rapping clown to live by. Thank God for ICP. They make life worth living. Only a truly brilliant demented mind could think about being a

Eh, they showed flashes of it in the “You’re Getting Older” episode. I think they know what’s up, but also they’re just old curmudgeons now.

The cardboard cutout of Bojack is probably one of my favourite jokes in the whole show. It’s not just that Bojack recorded himself saying a bunch of random lines from Jerry Maguire and put it into a cardboard cutout, it’s also the way that he delivers every one of those lines in a gratingly enthusiastic tone that

Hey, he at least is trying to make America great again, but he doesn’t know how, nobody will let him do what he wants, people are being mean to him, and it turns out presidenting is hard and kind of boring.

Dear Eagan and Louie,

I believe the word you are looking for is “Flunky”....

Considering his Easter Bunny stint, I always assumed he was simply a career Republican slowly moving up the ladder. Regardless of which way the wind is blowing, parties have to have functionaries to provide an institutional memory.