
What about all those edits on the Trans Am page that were clearly made by Joe Biden?

Haunted Lighthouse: Miami

I really wanna see Trump challenge Uwe Boll to a boxing match.

Exactly. They’re taking jobs from pretty people!


Ugh his DM’s are so gross. The faux-awkward, hands-in-pockets-with-shoulders-shrugged “I’m just a big’ol nerd gee golly misses you sure are pretty” vibes makes me want to kick him in the teeth.


Dissent, but obviously subjective. Part of what made Frank work for me in DDS2 was certainly the contrast between Frank and Matt and the rapport between Frank and Karen. It also made it easier that Frank was not the star and often the antagonist. It’s possible that Punisher will be a bad show, no question, but I’m

sad upvote lol. Makes me picture a Jon Bernthal delivering a Captain Planet-esque PSA, then giving a child a handgun and saying “The power is yours!”

Have you heard my band, the Lone Rangers?

Never doubt Michael Shannon’s knowledge in acting OTT. In My Son My Son What Have Ye Done, he costarred with Udo Kier and Willhem Dafoe and he somehow out-crazied them both.

He says football isn’t violent enough the day after Aaron Hernandez’s CTE scan shows he was one level away from dementia. He just steps in shit over and over and over....

I just want to take the time to acknowledge that this was one of the best post-Kinja AV Club conversations I’ve had

Everything you said so far is retarded... I can eat a bowl of alphabet soup and shit out smarter arguments then these.

What about those of us who intend not to defend the guy, but to criticize the AV Club for this rage-bait non-story? I mean, I legitimately want this guy to die, but I think this particular story is idiotic. It’s on par with “covfefe.”

Alright, I’ve been dying to bring this up here since I spent way too long researching this yesterday after my rewatch of the series.

I’ve never really been interested in media that is about or seeks to recreate the ruminative morass of depression (the thing about it is that it feels romantic and charged when you’re in it but it actually isn’t and never has been), but I felt browbeaten enough to try my hand at this show, and I came in at a good time

It’s very meta: If I were making a cheap Z-movie like this, and it featured a douchey, untrustworthy producer who lived for boob shots, cast his bimbo girlfriend, and was fueled by barely concealed gay panic, I’d name the character something like “Chad Ridgely.”

Outstanding username/comment synergy.