
Wait, the boring GI Joe guy from Godzilla? Fudge this.

Did that seem like crappy advice for LW#2? He has a crush on this girl that’s causing him stress, so Nerdlove told him to just “acknowledge” his feelings while simultaneously not acting on them but not repressing them either.

NDBA, Nancy Drew’s Booty Academy.

His story makes complete sense. I too regularly give my phone to other people and let my friends impersonate me and tacitly allow them to insult strangers with my identity. Also my friends can comment on stranger’s personal appearances despite never having met or seen them.

So, she couldn’t just buy a gun and wait in a locked room with no windows? Seems pretty easy to solve to me.

Waaaaawww, Waaaaawwww. I hate being forced to read actual text that presents an argument that I as a reader might have to engage with critically before I come to a decision. That’s too difficult, mass media outlets should just tell me what I need to consume. /s

The way he towers over Sam Robinson Worthington in hacksaw Ridge was amusing.

I just realized this, but there is cyberspace in Do Android Dream of Electric Sheep, it’s the Mercer boxes.

the one-person kill squads they use to exert their will.

When I mention Primus to other people, I tell them that Frizzle Fry was the first album I ever bought. This is a lie, Frizzle Fry was the second album I bought, introduced to me by the weird kid in middle school who I hung out with because he was a neighbor to a girl I had a crush on. The real first album was Toby

There’s a scene in the novel <i> Matterhorn </i> where an over-zealous colonel fudges up his supply line and a platoon goes out on a week long mission with only 2 days worth of food and water. On the last day they resort to drinking the plasma packets the medic carried.

This goes along with the “one climate planet” thing that Star Wars also does, but does it seem weird that there’s only one galactic religion? I mean, we’ve got thousands here on Earth alone, did the Jedi wipe-out ever other native religion? Is there massive religious discrimination that resulted in the Jedi being

Your point? Al Franken is a Democrat, not a member of a European Green Party. A large military has been a point of consesus in US politics for almost 70 years now.

I learned a similar trick in a fight scene in a high school play, the double fist punch is easy and safe because it’s easy to flatten your hands right before you hit so it delivers a solid “punch” sound without hurting your partner.

Well, there’s no editing in Kinja, so it’s just going to stay there forever, taunting you,

I don’t know, a few weeks ago I got a reply on a GoT thread that was maybe 250 words of this jerk insulting me for forgetting some characters race and being a casual viewer.

  • “I don’t find you boring. Only the things you choose to talk about, and the way in which you talk about them.”

Yeah, kid stuff in tragic art is always really rough for me. I don’t cry often, but when I do it’s usually from some depiction of childhood suffering (like the end of AI or Marceline and Ice king’s song in Adventure Time).

I certianly support their political goals, but the only Juggalo I personally know is a pretty terrible person who is a criminal, a misogynist, and always posted on Facebook in all caps.

I’ll admit, when Bojack said that Bea was faking dementia the whole time and that she was secretly drugging Hollyhock to keep her skinny, I turned the show off. I got up, made some coffee in my french press, and started ranting out loud about how stupid a plot twist this was. How it didn’t make even the slightest bit