
I’m surprised your show didn’t catch on like wildfire.

If people don’t want to know why dwarf attacks are on the rise it’s their fault.

The lamestream media is working hard to discredit the theory. How … convenient.

KID: What are you listening to?

The personalities ascribed to the names Zoe and Zelda always felt backwards to me. Like Zelda should be the serious one and Zoe the happy, silly one rather than the way it is in the episode. After much pop culture soul searching, I’ve pinned this down to being one of two reasons:

Less spears, more falling into pits.

Okay but if they don’t call it Lord of the Fly Girls I’m out.

Well, that’s highly specific advice, but I’m sure it’ll come in handy!

And trying to follow a conversation with him is nearly impossible.

First, let’s say you’re doing a heck of a job Clayton. Second, I can’t get enough of these stories where someone cobbles together a Trump tweet and some sick burn replies, and a few short paragraphs of snark. Primo content.

He’s like the Kinja of presidents: Ugly by design, never wants to work and is preoccupied with making everything a white space.

Good job judge talking guy.

Jesus, Katie. Trump is the worst, but you are reaching so hard here to make your daily snark quota.

Agreed, just when I think avclub and I are on the outs, this comes up. Sooo amazing Kyle Ryan.

I just wanted to say that Kyle’s experience is, sadly, probably not unique. I grew up in Houston in a middle-class household AND I remember the many times I couldn’t get to school because of flooding. One time, the car that was taking me to school got stuck in water on a neighborhood street (a street that could be

We all know The AV Club was obsessed with Cars fucking during that brief period this summer.

I drive to pick up my pizza anyways, so I’m already doing my part to make them obsolete.

Fun fact: you can say “cunt” on Kinja.

I hope the fire is Tormund and drawing it out involves butt stuff.

In episode 2F09, when Itchy plays Scratchy’s skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes the same rib in succession, yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we to believe, that this is a magic xylophone, or something?