
I’ve flown a lot, but my only near miss was about a week before 9/11. Oakland to Detroit, landing in Chicago for a layover. I looked out the window as we were a couple hundred feet above the ground and I noticed the wing was wobbling; like a lot. We smashed into the ground a good deal harder than I’ve ever landed,

The, trump, The

So, first off, Donald Trump is an asshole.

i have red blue white pink purple hair with black streaks

Probably because Tom Cruise bought the rights for himself.

So the chains to drag the dragon up were just the tire chains for the pickup? I guess that makes sense.

Dany sent him off in season 2 to find a way out of the red wastes and his horse and head came back. Death by getting another job.

:::::Googles Dothraki fuckboy::::Holy shit!

New DNC slogan: “It’s dangerous to go alone”

WHO THE FK CAN DISLIKE THIS I CAN THINK Of 3 I am not sure if I spell them correctly