The Bassline From Ennio Morricone's Score for The Thing (1982)

Building the wall isn’t fascism. It’s just stupid and nonsensical and probably won’t even get built even if it gets funded. They don’t really want the wall, because most of them know it’s stupid too and won’t actually do anything to improve our nation’s immigration problems. Democrats need to call their bluff — with

As a Democrat my problem with building a wall has nothing to do with morality or a fervent belief in open borders. I’m actually all for strengthening our border security and ensuring that we take necessary steps to reduce the number of people entering the country without credentials.

Concessions in the way of protections for DACA and other legal/legalized immigrants and refugees were, in my opinion, rendered useless when Trump pardoned Arpaio. What good is the law when the administration will not uphold it?

How many of these assholes has ever been to any of the border states? Or seen actual dirt outside of a city park? Do they not understand that building the stupid fucking wall is next to impossible next to the border? What about eminent domain? 

Building a wall doesn’t stop illegal immigration. Period. In fact, it makes the problem worse. Whereas before, seasonal agricultural workers would cross the border for planting season and leave after the harvest, now they simply stay and send the money home because they can’t risk not being able to reenter.

I sort of get the idea of letting the GOP own such an awful and doomed to scandal and failure project, it’ll be like the big dig on crack. But it’s our tax dollars going into it. 

So cool of the WaPo to write an opinion that’s basically this but longer:

WaPo has been printing a lot of very concerning stuff lately. It’s as if they’re using the goodwill engendered by “The Post” to pull off an inexplicable Conservative heel turn.

Chicago has 6.18 breweries per 100,000 population.

As the number of breweries goes up, so does the number of bad breweries. 

With exception to Revolution Brewing, which is one of my top five favorite breweries (and Three Floyds, even though it’s technically not in Chicago, let alone the state of Illinois), I feel like beer from Denver/Boulder simply has a better *quality* to it. I have no idea why I feel this way. And no, it’s not the

Oh, I have no doubt everybody in Mrs. C’s life from now on will be a G Man. Her car guy, the grocery clerk, the gas station attendant.

Not in the legal field, but Stormy was suing for defamation after Trump said she was lying about being threatened. The judge through the lawsuit away so she will have to pay Trump’s legal fees. My understanding is, the lawsuit wasn’t really about whether or not there was a payment, but rather about the Trump’s tweet

The feds will need to keep a close eye on Mrs. Cohen for the next few years; the minute she tries to pull one dollar out of a numbered account in the Cayman Islands, they’ll have to reopen investigations into Cohen’s finances (and by extension, Trump’s). Keep following the money: it's still out there.

Maybe he can get some sleep while he’s in the big house. The guy looks like he’s aged 20 years over the last couple of months.

What’s annoying is that all these assholes have been criming it up for years, if not decades, and no one gave a shit until they won the election.

Look at Pence. Unbutton your coat man, you are sitting down.

“It’s like a manhood thing for him—as if manhood could ever be associated with him—this wall thing.

Remember: the last time a politician insulted him this badly, he became the fucking president.