The Bassline From Ennio Morricone's Score for The Thing (1982)

I’m with you. Had an account since 2007, raided on and off since 2010 LK.

For me, it’s too little too late. I’m already out on this expansion as a whole. I only log in two nights a week for my guild’s raids. We cleared Uldir on heroic about a month ago, so we all got the “Ahead of the Curve” achievement.  If it weren’t for our raid effort and the fact that my account auto-renewed for

I don’t know if it’s just WoW fatigue from someone who’s played since launch (off and on of course), but this expansion lost me quicker than any of the others. I was excited about the Warfronts initially because they described them as being almost an RTS-style hybrid type of thing, which sounded like a really

He went down the George Lucas CGI rabbit hole, seemingly never to return.

I thought Dead Alive was well-known and well-loved, but this comment section suggests few have seen it. IMO it out-Evil Dead 2s Evil Dead 2. It’s definitely my vote for best comedy-splatter movie. It has a sweet core on top of the pus-in-the-porridge and squished rat monkey heads and kung fu priests and baby tossing

The one where they have sex at the end.
It was pretty out there for the 30s but it was a taboo that needed breaking.

What version of the original King Kong did you see that you came away with the impression that Fay Wray’s character was supposed to be in love with King Kong???

Who wants that gig?

Peter joined the ranks of Cameron, Spielberg, who can do whatever the hell they want now.   

I don’t think it hit me until yesterday but it’s SUPER weird and disorganized that Trump fired his Chief of Staff without a replacement actually lined up (not weird for Trump, just nuts by normal standard). I’m thinking he offered it to Ayers who said something along the lines of, “wow I’m honored, let me think about

Yeah, I’ve seen the trope loads too. So hacky.

Honestly, who cares.

Why would you want one of the hardest jobs in government, working for a total pissbaby who wouldn’t even bother to listen to you?

As someone who was introduced to Peter Jackson via Bad Taste, it sure has been a weird ride, watching his career unfold. Meet the Feebles made me feel a bit, ill, but I loved Dead Alive so much, I rented a second VCR at the time so I could dub a copy that I’d rented, and watched it until it was basically unwatchable.

“Do us a favor! Restore the top button to all your shirts!”

Honestly, I could have lived without the “beautiful woman returns a monster’s love” that’s been done to death in other stories.

Counter-point: King Kong was actually pretty good. Gorgeous to watch; fantastic Andy Serkis performance; solid rest of the cast that made their characters human but not more interesting than Kong. It was just too long. Could have been a bit tighter.

*shrugs* I liked King Kong. I still have it on HD-DVD.