Perfect Engine

Still fightin’ the power and eatin’ whatever he wants.

I agree, but I kinda need Matt Gourley in the mix, too. Sona is Conan’s straight man for sure, but Gourley is like Conan’s little brother that the two of them pick on.

He’s been there all along. No one told him not to be.

She honestly always seems so delightful. I don’t get it. It’s almost as if teenage boys and those who never emotionally evolved past being a teenage boy are fucking assholes.

That’s milk and eggs, bitch.

My girlfriend had tickets to see this in Toronto in April. Yeah, she didn’t get to go. She was kinda freaked out by the idea of having to drive to Toronto anyway, so maybe it was for the best. Still pretty pissed, though. She’s way more of a theater nerd than I am.

So you can then bitch about how it’s old news when that article is posted?

Hey William, grab your memo pad and back that sweet little caboose up on in here. I’ve got some pencils for you to pick up.

Go listen to some harpsichord on your Victrola, Methuselah.

Alright, stop.

Beto O’Rourke looks like a character from a Richard Linklater movie. I always picture him driving a Trans Am onto a football field at sundown.

And I’d like to buy some of your finest beer.”

We need a word for covers that sound exactly like their originals. 

Parlor Boy is the proper vernacular here, although that sounds like some weird outdated sex terminology.

That’s right, man. You’ve exposed me and my deep-seated racism.

I dunno, it would somehow be satisfying knowing that the one thing Ted Cruz is good at is vicious, cold-blooded murder.

It’s certainly not that sweet sweet Laurel Canyon sound we’ve become accustomed to.

Sure would be funny to hear all those Brads saying a fancy pants word like ‘parlay’ over and over, though.

Yeah, I’m not convinced they even know it’s French. They probably just spelled it ‘wrong’ because that’s what the kids do now.