Pepe Thunder

I've been playing a lot on the 2.01 PTR servers, because I wasn't cool enough to get into the beta ;)

No the dangerous precedent is companies thinking they can put out flat out broken products and charge full price. Fuck that

Even Blizzard hasn't learned from Blizzard.

That would be "heroin". Shooting a heroine into your dick would rip it to shreds. For some perspective : imagine Wonder Woman or Catwoman being shot out of a cannon up your dick.

I would recommend this, but rather I think you should feel shame. Maybe a bit of both.

The music industry is simply the worst. To maintain their control, they've unleashed a dragon. They have an absolute hegemony on the 'piracy' debate, where we can actually witness people argue that fair use is a bad thing (because they don't realise it's legal), and of course we've seen a shocking ability to lobby so

Irrelevant and pointless? Isn't that Google+'s motto?

I think this person is suggesting that, buy putting out such crap, they are acting anti-consumer. Such products or services are almost like saying, "We're popular, rich, and (almost) a monopoly. Who gives a crap what we shove on our audience - at this point, they need us."

Youtube suicide by money hungry CEOs...isent the world great.

Well of Course! If I didn't get the DLC how would you expect me to stay so gangster?!

Make sure you get the DLC!

Well, China hurts my planet. So we're... even?

Sounds like most of the world to be honest. It's an ugly place.

Sounds like America too...

BF4 portrays China in a bad light? China does that themselves on a daily basis with their horrible customer service manners, horrible treatment of workers, horrible treatment of it's citizens, horrible stealing of land from the Tibetan people, and horrible product quality.

发出中国声音 中国公共外交协会副会长马振岗指出,面对目前西方舆论声势浩大的被动局面,我们仅办好自己的事、不给世界添麻烦的想法是远远不够的,我们必须学会抢占国际舆论的制高点,发出中国声音,争夺国际话语权。只有我们有能力向世界展现一个真实的中国时,我们才有机会消除外界对中国的误解、疑虑和偏见。前不久,某脱口秀中"杀光中国人"言论并引起美27个城市华人的游行抗议,最终使得电视台及主持人道歉。同时,要对那些涉及丑化中国形象的电脑游戏、影视作品予以抵制。EA公司2003年发行的《命令与征服:将军》就被禁止在中国内地销售。 Let China's voice be heard China Public Diplomacy

The truth is that anything you can make a living at is a "real job," no matter how strange or off-putting it is. My real job is writing about phones and video games on the Internet all day. I make enough to get by, and more than I might otherwise be making in another with my education and experience.

I'm honestly surprised this video didn't get flagged after he mentioned "Tomb Raider" by name.

Wow. A lot of cynical people in these comments.

This is the truth. I miss this so much about Halo CE. My group of friends had a custom rule set to play split screen with, and it was probably different than yours. But you damn well better follow those rules or there was hell to pay. It actually felt more balanced than most shooters today. If some dude in Halo