He's making a joke in reference to the mod posted about earlier today that allows foreign controllers to be used with the XO.
He's making a joke in reference to the mod posted about earlier today that allows foreign controllers to be used with the XO.
Sounds like a good old fashion memory leak
Previously players had to alt-tab out of World of Warcraft to spend real money on virtual items that will one day not exist. This gave those players time to realize the truth I carefully hid in that previous sentence.
Don't forget that Warcraft 2 had the alliance equivalent to the goblin sappers... the dwarven demolition squads. Both were suicide bomber units.
Worse, they're now ahead of brick and morter stores.
The game it was supposed to be? You mean Battlefield 2143? I think it was supposed to be 2143. It shoulda been. I miss you 2142...
Gotta pay the bills somehow. By the way have you ever tried Bacardi. How'a bout a Bacardi and soda? Or maybe you'd prefer a cool refreshing Bacardi colada? Because Bacardi makes the night come alive, with freshness.
Yeah, Battlefield every year is good... if would like to play a game that would probably be broken 90% of the time!
I am online server got hacked?
I've never been an online server, much less a hacked one.
Holy crap, it works! It even plays the original Xbox's games! Here's a pick of me playing Halo 2 with my family:
And he would buy a picture of a console that is purported to have had this done to it. Double whammy.
Spoilers for the game here but: People can call him emo or whatever but he's anything but. In fact, I believe Squall to be the most realistic male protagonist Square ever created. He's a guy who's just trying to go through school to become a SeeD. At every turn he's faced with idiots and weirdos and he just wants to…
For me AC V would be either in Feudal Japan or a more futuristic setting where the assassins and templars were fighting together Juno.
Absolutely. If this was a game called Black Flag and had nothing to do with AC, I would have got it.
I am never ever ever ever gonna call it a jif.
That gun diden't suck. That's the diffrence.