Pepe Thunder
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What if the Tenchu series had learned some new tricks from games like Dishonored and Mark of the Ninja? Well, it would have looked a lot like Twin Souls, which is currently up on Kickstarter.

Even at max, it didn't look very good to me. I'll still try it out, but the graphics aren't impressing me yet.

I can't believe Joss Whedon undermined an awesome character like that

First of all, you sound like a massive Sony-Tool...
Second: Nothing has been said about the XboxOne yet, so it doesn't prove anything at all O_o

I love the Assassin's Creed games. In fact, I've loved all of them- every single one.

lmao Ryse does suck.

....I'm going to get back to Wonderful 101, Super Mario 3D World, Pikmin 3, Lego City Undercover, WWHD, and ZombiU now.

True, which is why I have my lovely beast sat next to me on my desk.

However, I like console gaming for one reason, exclusives!

I think it is a reference to the very first episode of Powerpuff Girls where Fuzzy Lumpkins turns one of her pigtails into a drumstick. She then proceeds to murder him...

First pic:

So long as you can write a competent fan fiction they'll let anyone in the door, these days. For fuck sake there's an official Star Trek comic where the entire crew is gender swapped. Hell, if you needed further proof look at the 2 Star Trek movies JJ Abrams wrote. Yes, everyone loves Wrath of Khan, JJ, that doesn't

Both parties sound like whiny children, to be honest. Just play games how you like them, it doesn't matter.

*Turns to other PC players*

This guy is incredibly charming. "It's not easy being a television news idiot." is scum. SCUM I SAY. And their little explanation is nothing more than company jargon - at the end of the day, companies love going after anyone who even lightly touches their IP with the daintiest's absolutely bullshit. IP infringement is a real issue - but this is not a case of that. This is

"King does not own trademarks to "candy" or "saga" yet but has applied for them"

From my understanding of trademark law, if failed to oppose The Banner Saga and a couple months down the line someone released "Sweets Crunch Saga,"'s failure to oppose The Banner Saga could be construed as a failure to protect their trademark. This could allow the maker of "Sweets Crunch Saga" to

Except nobody I know that ever talks about it ever uses the full name. It's always "Candy Crush"