Found it!
they will just add a little caption next to the engram, "does this engram's carpet match the drapes?"
let me take this moment to talk to you about my lord and savior, The Moon Loot Door. On the first mission on the moon, go all the way untill you have to go into the hive nest with the huge double door. There, after the cinematic, you will get rushed by about 40 enemies coming right at you. Kiil them and then let the…
They pay a lot of attention to detail but for some reason they missed a very obvious error in MGS4 by having Snake eject a bullet when reloading mid clip. That always bothered me.
What SWTOR needs to do is add player bounty hunting. shit, it just needs to be SW Galaxies.
Noobs didnt dedicate enough units for harvesting Vespian Gas!
Do the games suddenly suck now!?
I like it, I just never buy themed consoles because I also enjoy having the regular version of stuff for some weird reason. Whats why I hate buying limited editions and when I do I end up regretting it.
I cut class to go on a dip in the river like Huck Finn. Had a pretty good scare when one of my friends dove from a rock and then surfaced to tell us he almost got impaled on some bamboo at the bottom.
But she does blow up, atleast thats what is implied in the last scene
I'm 30 and I'm still struggling to get a full goatee.
There are gamers and there are gamers. I dont associate with the type of person who goes online to rage AKA dumbass dicks.
I think the only voice command interface i never wanted to kill was siri. The current version understands me incredibly well and only gives me trouble when i pronounce a difficult or obscure name. In general it is great and i often find myself telling it to do things without having a command line memorized. I wish i…
Yeah that would be great. But likely wont happen, much likefree button mapping should have been a thing last gen.