Pepe Thunder

What if I'm at the mattress store, can I rip the sticker off everything!? I'M CONSUMER DAMN IT!

Because you ARE a badass

DX past its prime proves PS4 is superior. You heard it here first folks!

D-degenerate? Suck it!

No need for further details or sources people! Move along!

Even game cases? I have bought game cases for games i have bought at gamestop used.

Pc already gets this crap. Dead Space 3 had microtransactions. But you know what I did? I paid $1 for it on humblebundle and even gave that buck to the humblebundle guys because fuck you EA

Sounds like Costco to me.

I will never buy another game that has microtransactions. This is when a franchise jumps the shark and i change the channel.

Right on Blizzard time.

So, the rumor is that the film will take place around the time the orcs cross the dark portal. In WoW, we know they want us to experience the original trilogy, starting with warlords of draenor. Now, WoD takes place before the orcs cross the portal, assuming that expansion arrives next year (which is likely since

I constantly find myself saying "what a weak society we have become". Now we are butthurt by this? You have to dig deep to find the offense in tis one.

Fuck yeah Francis! I'd let him be my Alpha Nerd.

the 50%'s + sound good, if you ok the numbers, I wouldn't wait much longer. I'd say go with your gut feeling, if you think you can wait for the holiday sale, then you would have a good idea of whats the best price you are gonna get on that sale

That reminds me, what came of the Far Cry 1 PC port to consoles?

Lets not forget the friends we have lost to -15% sales only for the price to later drop to -30%. Lost but not forgotten.

Whats the game you are eyeing?


Fuck you $60 bullshit!

Last year I payed extra attention and the prices from the Holiday sale where exact replicas of the black friday/autumn sale.