
She knew the implications of her comment. She used homophobia as a weapon. It’s no different than outing someone because you don’t like them.

So you don't actually have any reasoning to put forward, just vague disagreement?

Why not

So homophobia is fine as long as you're dog whistling?

So if she called him a faggot, would that have been well played?

The tweet furthers a homophobic culture that kills people. Celebrating the tweet furthers a homophobic culture that kills people.

You're making a lot of weird assumptions here

So you have no qualms about participating in a system of homophobia that leaves people dead? If you wanted to hurt someone you knew was homophobic you’d call them a faggot on Twitter?

She contributed to a culture that literally leaves people dead. You think that’s worth celebrating.


“During a strange course of events, West mistook Khalifa’s tweet referencing “KK” as a jab aimed at his wife, Kim Kardashian. The fight escalated to West telling Khalifa that he “owns” Khalifa’s and Amber Rose’s child. This was Rose’s cue to enter the ring and she promptly took West down by revealing his penchant for

Can you explain how you reconcile posting this article and also an article with gleeful homophobic connotations one after the other? You’re participating in a toxic anti-LGBTQ culture in one post and bemoaning the tragic consequences of that culture in the next.

Seriously this kind of bullshit makes me so angry and gawker is supposed to be against it.

You guys are really enjoying the homophobia. It’s inspiring. Your next article about this should be “Yeezy is a faggot lmao”

Victim blamer CHECK

I hope a woman literally eats this guy

Excellent username

The difference is men are expected to get it all and women are expected to settle.

You can have your cake and eat it too. Just keep aggressively shutting down sexist bullshit until you find a guy who’s into that.

Men who like cranky women are out there. They’re just not encouraged by societal norms. Don’t lose hope!