
Sure, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a trend.

Men are fed a steady diet of assurances that they are superior to women from the moment they’re born. When I think back on how much of an ignorant sexist I was when I was younger I cringe. Men are told they're owed women and most of them believe it to a certain extent their whole lives.

My father did not often give direct advice, so when he did it made a strong impression on me. When I was 16, after hearing some standard sexist explanation of what I wanted in a partner, he told me not to settle for a woman who wasn’t my equal. He had obviously taken his own advice in marrying my mother, a strong and

Except one group supports a magic man who hates women and gays, and the other group supports a man who has fought his entire life for the rights of everyone other than himself and people like him. So that's kind of like comparing stormfront moderators to women who work at planned parenthood.

Science has been pretty clear on the reasoning skills of people younger than mid-20s.

Everyone’s responsible. It’s difficult, especially in a work situation when you’re poor, but whenever possible every man should be calling shit like this out when they see it.

Don’t beat yourself up. Speaking up is good, but you were the victim and your actions deserve no scorn.

Men are used to zero consequence misogyny. How many of these men saw no consequences even after she outed them? I bet a lot of them.

People enjoy having power over other people. Men have a lot of unchecked power over women. These men are cashing in on it for personal satisfaction. They are all that guy who threw jizz on Jodie Foster and then choked to death on his own tongue.

Dear Exasperated Wife,

It's knowingly abusive.

There's nothing vile about exposing abuse.

I’m not sure how much of what “you’ve always understood” is bullshit, but I’m guessing a lot.

People who are different than you exist

I think in a lot of cases it's just an expression of male power.

I mean, no. Genitals are great. Most people love them when THEY’RE NOT UNSOLICITED. Maybe you're asexual, or have personal issues with sex, or just have an anti-genitals preference, but you're wrong that your preference is universal. We cover up genitals because we live in a sex negative society.

Disagree completely. Dead bird gifts are cats are expressing their love in a cat appropriate manner. Unsolicited dick pics are NOT human appropriate.

You're not a bad person, it's just that the deck is stacked against women.

There is a “one sided thing going on,” but you're very confused about which side has all the power.

I think you have a really poor understanding of context, boundaries, harassment, and abuse. Might explain why you’re so lonely.