
Let me know when you've written a book, started a charity, etc.


Perpetuating your own abuse isn’t “thoughtful,” it’s tragic. Your friend’s husband gropes you (which is SEXUAL ASSAULT) and you go to elaborate lengths to avoid a repeat without telling your friend because she’s going to blame you... That’s not healthy at all. It’s objectively the wrong choice. I don’t think it

Because men control everything and can destroy a woman’s life, but you still have to get the anger out. It’s why some white sharecroppers hated blacks so much. Hating the rich white guy who’s actually the problem yields no desirable rewards.

Why would you want friends like that? Are you that desperate? You’re advocating staying silent about your own sexual assault to keep a bad friend.

Why is avoiding sexual harassment on your head? It should be on his. I understand your reasoning but you're excusing and participating in your own abuse and the abuse of those close to you.

That’s bullshit. It just allows the misogyny to continue forever. If your friend or family member won’t forgive you for their partner cheating you’re both better off telling them and then not having them in your life.

“Hourglass bod” is not the same as “skinny with huge tits.” Sports illustrated pushes one kind of body and her body is it. Some women actually have an hourglass shape, and that isn't it.

#justsayin #whitelivesmatter



What point do you think you're making?

It was a figure of speech. I know why they made money.

The sex scenes in the book were boring, repetitive, and as sexy as a dead fish in a dumpster. I don't know why or how the books or film made any money. Shit 1,000,000x better is available for free on the Internet.

And she intentionally used the well established homophobia of the industry as a weapon against him. Classy.

Yeah, Bobby, ignore the obvious homophobia. Classic gawker.

George Braque painting of vomit

Assplay = gay is a widespread sentiment in America, and gay = bad is a widespread sentiment in hip hop.

The only way to interpret it like that is to ignore the history of homophobia in this country, and specifically in hip hop culture. She was trying to hurt and embarrass him. The quip was the equivalent of calling Kanye a fag.

I'm seeing a lot of optimism here toward how good of a mother Kim might be.