
Walking up to a stranger and camera flashing them in the face is a dick move. Doing it to someone who deals with it on a regular basis is even more dick.

Not white enough.

I don't know, I could see it coming up in conversation

How do you know what to hide on your first date? How do you know what’s only acceptable later? Fuck that noise. Dating is difficult enough without misrepresenting yourself and then doling out who you really are over a longer period of time. Maybe your date shares your experiences. Maybe he or she finds they are not

Yes, it’s better that the other person is aware, which is why it’s not great to be telling people to keep their thoughts or behavior hidden because it’s a “red flag.”

These guidelines seem biased against/flawed for anyone with mental illness, people on the autism spectrum, etc. These are all framed as personality flaws, but some of them are just personality differences.

Because people in the service industry can't fight back. People who bully them are the worst kind of petty coward.

Why would anyone in power want to do that? The only reason they’re doing this is bad publicity. White rich old guys INC is still hoping it just “blows over” and it goes back to how it was, but everyone covers their ass more carefully.

What he said was literally true. The cops do protect the “us” he’s talking about. Rich white guys.

Pro tip: not-black people don’t get to criticize a black person’s use of the word negro

That’s what happens when you love control more than your own children.

I don't think you know what entitled means


And your wallet, which is probably pretty light if you're suffering in those areas.

It’s sad for me to see so much hostility toward this kind of thing in the comments. Of course it’s silly for a monkey to own a selfie, but that’s clearly not the point. If human children were treated as badly as numerous species of animal as smart or smarter than human children are treated on a regular basis, people

At this point I think you're trolling me

I don’t know what to tell you, it wasn’t subtle. Either you’re being willfully ignorant or you’re just not knowledgable about the subject matter. I’d recommend you do some research into homophobia and hip hop.

Good luck with that. You’ll be seeing a lot of “I hope he gets raped because that’s hilarious” comments, too.

I'm sure both your gleeful speculation and your prayers will be equally helpful.

Her tweet was just a dog whistle version of “you’re a homo.” It’s what she meant, and it’s how she knew it would be taken not just by Kanye but by a lot of people. Hip hop culture has a long history of homophobia. She added to it for her own petty reasons. That's despicable.