
Rebel Wilson was right to lie about her age, as Hollywood bullshit about an actress’s age is the worse situation.

I totally agree with you.

Agreed, PenisTime9000! There is something disconcertingly neurotypical of this article and its biases.

I don’t know how it works in SA, but the only time I see reference to purple people in the states is when people are assuring others of just how colorblind they are. “I don’t care if you’re black, white, brown, or purple!” (bonus points if they throw in “polka-dotted”) is one of those reliable indicators of someone

So it’s pretty obvious from the new evidence in the linked article (i.e the undarkened photos) that this was indeed an honest mistake. It seems like maybe the title of this article should be reworded. Unless you meant it to be clickbait...ohhhh.

He’s literally that guy on campus who plays guitar all day and tries to sleep with freshman

I just call Joe Scarborough-Morning Joe.

Somehow I don’t think “respect for police officers” is the answer to the whole police officers shooting unarmed citizens problem we have in this country. It’s kind of hard to respect an institution that keeps shooting your family, friends, and neighbors in the back on a regular basis. That’s just me though. I could be

IMO, it’s as big as it needs to be, since some folks still haven’t gotten the message.

well if your sis is lesbian, then she should know that Hillary once said “marriage is only for a man and a woman" while Bernie has always supported the LGBT community

Fearing for your safety isn’t a good enough reason to end a life, to me. It’s way too vague; it could mean the cops were afraid they’d get cut, maybe even need some stitches, or break a bone. But that’s part of police work, you might get cut or break a bone. The only time it should be acceptable to end a life is when

Why would they want to do that? Better education generally means less belief in the church. In fact, the Texas GOP specifically said in their platform on education that they opposed critical thinking.

  • When she picked you up as a kid, these boys wanted to eat you. They ain’t never tasted Terran before. She saved your life!

Or he’s trying to make himself look bigger to more imposing predators.

How horribly rude of me, thinking that I had a fucking right to engage in the political processes of this country. Must have missed that day of civics where they went over how we're obligated to go with the safest choice, lest we be kicked out.

Of course, the common refrain you hear against all of this is that if we try to go too far left, too hard, too soon, it’ll spark a backlash that’ll erode what progress we’ve already made.

which is particularly troubling because we aren’t that concerned with civilian causalities to begin with

Sadly, I think a lot of the GOP frontrunners are calling for the U.S. military to be less concerned with civilian casualties and drop more shit even if there’s even a hint of a rumor that an ISIS member may be in a given house. Which of course would result in more civilian deaths, which in turn helps ISIS with its