
That sounds just like him

He looks like guy fieri

Because he's an unstoppable force of sexuality


This pleases me

Sleep paralysis


Your boyfriend has terrible taste in wrestlers

I was in some kind of robotic battle armor, encountered Pamela Anderson (not my type), blew her up with missiles, then rubbed my dick on a wooden table. Woke up covered in jizz. That was my first wet dream. I was not pleased.

Why do you need to believe in magic to “keep something in mind”? That doesn’t make any sense.

Sure religious people help. But religion has nothing to do with ethics. Atheists help, but not selfishly for a heavenly reward.

So the people who believe a magical sky daddy is gonna make everything all better so we don’t have to address problems, just ignore them and pray is the “hard thinking” group?

Religion has never been about “love and life.” It’s always been about control and money.

Think about this the next time you’re about to joke about prison rape.

He doesn’t actually make jokes. He just states disgusting things and his audience (of people presumably as awful as him) laughs. He’s clearly not very smart, and neither are you for posting that clip or liking him. Enjoy laughing about prison rape and forced AIDS infection in a completely unironic way.

The joke is Oscar has no legs, and also that women are vacuous objects. It's also a really good example of how not to joke about rape. This guy really is scum. He also does great retard impressions!

Andy Warhol is in hell where he belongs.

She should go to jail. She directly contributed to terrorism for her own gain.

Smoking is cool and awesome and fun and you know it. Everyone is automatically cooler when they're smoking a cigarette. It's actually impossible to reach peak cool without a cigarette.

It made me feel aroused