
No, no, no... In France, cigarettes mean the opposite of what they do in America.

Does that give you a boner?

This is what gawker media is now. Ads. All the ads. Sometimes the top 4 “stories” are actually just ads.

This is what gawker media is now. Ads. All the ads. Sometimes the top 4 “stories” are actually just ads.

“Amphetamines specifically are not harmless in any form, even prescription”

What does that have to do with “prescription amphetamines are evil”?

Your experience is not everyone else’s. Some people can’t handle alcohol, a more addictive and unhealthy drug than amphetamines. Some people take amphetamines their whole life with no issues.

Some natural drugs are dangerous and can kill you. Some synthetics are harmless. This is a stupid way to look at drugs. Its history of use and studies done on its effects on the body are how you judge the safety of a substance.

How so? If using is morally acceptable, why isn’t selling? The war on drugs is ineffective, wasteful, and unethical. Is owning a liquor store another “demon?”

Spoiler: there is no God

Don’t you want to worship a God who uses his evil magic minion to kill innocent people in order to express concepts that a short commercial on TV would communicate a lot more clearly? A murderous psychopath who’s also a bit dim? I know I want to spend eternity with that guy.

None of those drugs are downers.

I hope they don’t, because punishing drug use is stupid, harmful, and ethically wrong.

The “drug with effects similar to LSD” was actually 25c-nbome. The nbome series is unpredictably dangerous, sometimes killing users for no discernible reason at normal recreational doses, sometimes doses identical to what they had taken before with no ill effects. LSD, on the other hand, couldn’t kill you even if you

When you say “wrong choices,” do you mean eating people?

Your penis is hilarious

Mediocre people like mediocre music. Most people are mediocre. Therefore Adele is popular.

Do you think androgeny in modeling has anything to do with trans people? I think it’s purely a stylistic fad. I don’t think the majority of androgynous models are trans or genderqueer or anything other than an aesthetic. Poking fun at that (with characters who are written as clueless and stupid) isn’t transphobic.

People are always going on about forgiveness. Forgiveness is bullshit. Some people don't deserve it, like your mom.

Everything good about gawker is being mercilessly purged.

I get 5 days sick time per year. If I don’t come in when I’m sick and out of days, I get written up, and eventually fired. People generally get sick more than5 days a year, so I go to work sick all the time.