
“the possibility that this amazing video game had been turned into a sterile mess, without a shred of drama or humanity.”

Theatre kids are peppy as a cover for the yawning void of sadness and anxiety on the inside. They’re just goths who can act (That’s why they’re in theatre...). Plus both groups like to dress up.

I have bad news for you both. 300 is a really, really terrible film. Laughably terrible.

So you’re taking a hardline stance on queer being offensive, while simultaneously mocking terms invented by an oppressed community to describe themselves.

Are you a heterosexual cis person?

You were always cute. I’ve never understood the “freckles = bad” thing. It seems so totally random! Freckles are always adorable!

Why? What does being married to someone who did heroic things have to do with transphobia?

She's always been a woman.

I can’t afford to lose my job, so I do my best to get along with my coworkers as best as I can. Sometimes that means keeping my mouth shut if I think retaliation is possible. When it’s someone I don’t work with regularly, or someone open to a different opinion, I always correct them. When it’s someone I know I’m

You know Jenner won an Olympic Gold Medal, right?


Maybe if our drug education was a little more informative than “don’t do drugs” this man’s brain would still be working.

It’s pretty simple. Religion is fine for your personal life, but it has no place in the law. Unless a judge can cite legitimate nonreligious reasons behind their decisions, those decisions should be rejected.

What is the solution to this? What should France do? What should the rest of the west and the sane members of the east do?

Old men fucked up the world for those young men. This is on their heads.

Or poor foodies on an infrequent basis.

Buddhists commit terror. Every religion has its peaceful factions and its violent factions.

No, you're just an idiot. A lazy idiot uninterested in the social, economic, and political reasons terrorism occurs. Like a child, you want things to be simple and you don't care who suffers from it.

Islam isn’t any more prone to terrorism than any other religion. Most Muslims are not terrorists. Most Christians aren’t terrorists, either, but plenty exist. Should we treat all Christians like we treat Christian terrorists?

No one intentionally lets radical Muslims into their country. Some countries do have policies and social structures that make radicalization a lot easier, though. Like countries who isolate Muslims socially and economically, and countries that perpetrate regular illegal terror attacks that result in dead innocent