

Denying it doesn't mean they don't know about it. Racists know their opinions are taboo so they find other ways to advance their agenda.

I think you are a douchebag

No one’s being a hypocrite by pointing out that he was part of a group with historically sexist, macho ideals. One he joined voluntarily. Comparing that to dog whistle terms that just mean “black” is completely stupid.

It’s amazing what a lifetime of conditioning can do. This man may be a psychopath. Or he may just be a man who’s been subjected to a continual barrage of sexism, racism, rape culture, and patriarchal notions of what men and women are and do for his entire life, and this is the result.

It’s clear he did it. I get frustrated when people continually repeat “innocent until proven guilty” like they have any idea what it means. It's a legal term and it holds weight in the courtroom. Out here in the real world it's obvious he's a rapist.

White men generally don’t give a flying fuck about black women. That’s actually a big part of this rapist’s technique. He banked on it and it’ll probably work out in his favor. He specifically picked his victims because he knows how completely dehumanized they are in this country.

I’m gonna go out on a limb and assume he gets acquitted or hit with really minor punishment.


Did you hit publish before you could finish what you were saying

Ur bad at jokes

Some people don't wonder. They just do science to see what reality is like. You should try it some time.

Or makes it difficult to evaluate the situation in an objective way.

Not at all like he did. He implied the test would be missed and the student was weak or making a poor decision by not coming in. He clarified after being rightly condemned.

But you didn’t pressure students to come in as a response to them voicing their fears, which is the entire focus of this conversation.

Well, that sure sounds abusive and paranoid.

So let’s say a student says “I don’t feel safe” and you say “by not coming to my class you’re letting the bullies win” and then that student comes to class and gets shot to death. You don't, because you're white. You go home feeling good about yourself at the end of the day?

You really have no idea what reasonable, sane people are like, do you?

Oh, I forgot that mass shootings only ever occur in places where mass shootings have already occurred. I'm assuming this requires a time machine?

Whiteness can overcome everything.