
No, the professor is just racist.

The brave, heroic white professor who invited his students to be killed.

The issue is that he’s belittling people for having concerns about threats of racial violence that he's in no danger of in a country where mass shootings happen with more regularity than any other developed country. He literally tried to get people to come into a potential massacre. The fact that it didn't happen is

He’s equating threats of mass murder in a country where these things happen regularly to bullying or a game, and essentially calling black students weak for taking those threats seriously when he’s in no danger from them because of the color of his skin. Yes, it is as bad as people are making it out to be.

What a pathetic, clueless tool.

Yeah, don't let them win! It's a fun game! Sure, you might get murdered, but that's a price professor Brigham is willing to pay. Only with other people's lives, though. Just like you.

The song reeks of rape. If you're comfortable while you're listening to it you're being willfully ignorant or are a rapist.

You're literally dumb

I'm gonna say this is bad art.

It's mostly something you can be arrested for if you're in a group the police don't like. Like black. Or trans. If it was some cis white people the officer would give them a verbal warning and leave.

The officers involved should go to jail.

The inanity of this statement is astounding


So you think it’s worth it if the threat is real and there’s a massacre? Because we didn’t “let them win”?

Product of a much rapier time (disclaimer: not the cool sword).

You literally don't know what rape is

Or anyone at all ever, because without consent that's flagrantly wrong.

So when are you guys gonna give all your money to charity and join a commune like Jesus directly told you to do in the bible? And have you been working on bringing back slavery? Jesus was into that.

He should probably just come down and clear things up. But he can't, even though he used to, and even though he's always been all good and all knowing and all powerful. I wonder why that is?

Shoot a stop motion film depicting baby Jesus burning money and supporting Bernie Sanders for president. At the end do the 70s/80s explanatory text about how it was based on a true story and use quotes from the bible to affirm the truth of this.