
Marcel can have the credit.

It’s a much more interesting and productive debate. “It’s not art” is the rallying cry of the censor and the anti-intellectual.

The question “is it art” was answered definitively by Duchamp. If someone says its art, it is. So every time the question is asked, you can just say yes and move on.

You wanna bust up Michaelangelo’s David, too? Or, uh... Most art?

The comments are intended to direct homophobia toward him. They are clearly intended to hurt him. Maybe she doesn’t consider herself homophobic, but using homophobia against someone is homophobic by nature. She knows the comment will be insulting to him because she knows the macho, historically homophobic culture he’s

Because in a statutory rape, the victim consents. They’re just considered unable to consent legally. This is more like a nurse raping a toddler in a hospital and telling the parents the toddler is a secret genius who gave consent through telepathy.

She's calling him a faggot, just sanitizing it for TV. And she knows full well why he might be hesitant to come out. What she's doing here is overtly awful.

Not really the point. It's not a contest.

I think it is your business to call out dangerous bullshit. If you want to be self centered and only worry about your own ass, that’s your choice.

Everyone should stop contributing money to this bloated empire of misogyny and mediocrity.

I'm inviting you to actually do some basic research, not take my word.

It's only a waste of time if your expectations are wrong.

It looks a lot worse than that.

I don’t understand why this is even a question. She’s either a deliberate predator or has some kind of mental illness or delusion. Even if he did want to have sex with her, her obvious position of power and authority over him makes it rape. And since his ability to communicate his “interest” is through what is

Argue with trolls on the internet

Truth is not discovered through random small sample anonymous comment reading. It's discovered through science. And science has made it very clear that naturopathy is garbage.

People die from refusing scientifically based medical care because they've bought into things like naturopathy. It is literally a matter of life and death. Fighting pseudoscience is pretty important.

Yeah, he was pretty clear about it.

Honestly I’m expecting a viral video of his psychotic naked rampage through a toy store and then a lengthy stay at the hospital with a lot of free pills, but either could happen.

Why is the burden on the victim? Everyone should do what they can to make coming out easier and less destructive, like correcting homophobia when you see it and voting for/donating to politicians with a history of helping the LGBTQ community. Outing people is using homophobia as a weapon against gay people. One of