
Unless we live in a society supportive of LGBTQ people, it's harmful. Do you think that's the society we live in? Because I have some bad news for you.

It was clearly an insult regardless of what else it was.

I’ve heard a lot of good things about ISIS.

You are either a troll or an idiot.

It’s common knowledge that naturopathy is pseudoscience. They are either overly credulous and lazy or charlatans. Naturopathy is grade A bullshit. Feel free to do the absolute minimum of research to confirm.

If a naturopath is right about something it's by accident. You should take everything they tell you as 100% bullshit unless verified by a nonquack source.

I don't know if you're joking, but naturopathy is pseudoscience. Anything you hear from a naturopath is very likely complete horseshit.

Especially if you are into the gmilfs like Skwisgaar.

If that was your idea of a joke I think your problems extend beyond knowing what “that’s so metal” means.

You don’t know what “that is so metal” means.

Like giving all their money to the poor and joining a commune, exactly as Jesus directed.

And oppressing gays and helping AIDS spread by opposing birth control. Among other things.

ACA is garbage.

They're not interested in knowing the law or upholding it. And the Supreme Court is happy with that arrangement.

I never really understood the love lavished on weezer, and especially on cuomo. The immaturity was always grating.

It's amazing how many independent scientists could all be wrong in the same way. Good thing those scientists funded by religious groups and big oil were there to prove them wrong.

I wish people would get over their irrational fear of nuclear power. Are there dangers? Sure. But they can be managed.

But what about my boner ?!!?11?!

Is that really what you think s/he’s saying, or are you just a complete asshole?

Agree, but at the same time I know I would have been one of those weirdos who wouldn’t take naked pictures of myself. It would have been a whole new thing to bully me for!