
Can I just point out that he clearly bought that watch in a child’s size so that his hands would look bigger.

Saw Mayweather last year in, of all places, Panda Express in Vegas. I didn’t recognize this guy giving autographs and taking selfies with employees at first. He is really small (I’m 6'6") and young. You hear about how old he is in boxing years, but he’s still a fairly youthful 40 in people years.

My parents own a second home in California and my dad frequently describes it as “the fifth yellow house on the right.”

I was all ready to storm in, guns blazing, in defense of Wonder Woman but after perusing the article, I’m...not quite sure what question is she’s even being asked, or even what the point is she’s trying to get to, really, and ended up realizing the flow of the conversation seems really strange and almost, in a way,

Which, of course, has no legal basis whatsoever. Senate members could have compelled him to answer, and if/when he refused they could vote to hold him in contempt, and—theoretically—jail him.

Yes, exactly. He would not lift a chubby little dirty finger unless something is in it for him.

I was impressed with how collected and calm Comey was throughout his testimony, and how easily he was able to discuss and consider what he was being asked about. You could tell that he prepared for his testimony but also was being honest. Basically, he sounded like a professional, responsible person. Sessions sounded

EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I see Sessions I have to do a doubletake to make sure I’m not seeing Leslie Jordan. Can we please get him on SNL soon?

no consequences, no repercussions no accountability...this sham administration just smirks its way through another day, and we the people have to just grin and bear it.

And is racist.

*Note: Tap water is from Flint, Michigan. And has been watered down with highly radioactive reactor cooling water.

He’s like tap water that has somehow been watered down.

There’s gonna be another Jewish holiday eventually and Jared and Ivanka will be gone for the entire day and he’ll finally get the chance

Obama would have been man enough to do it.

Fat, dumb and deluded is no way to go through a Presidency son.

“How can I be obstructing justice if I keep firing all the people investigating me? If there’s no one to investigate, what justice could I possibly be obstructing? That logic is pure covfefe.” 

Trump is going to put Mueller on double secret probation.

Andrea Constand is so brave. And what I got from her testimony is that Cosby spent a long time grooming her. His fixation on the fact that she had an involuntary orgasm when he violated her is disgusting. 

He turned me into a newt. Drown him! Burn him!