
“But otherwise showed no sign of infection”. Pardon me, but doesn’t GREEN DISCHARGE from the PENIS scream infection? How many signs do you need?

Wayne. Wayne wore it better. And it was a wig.

This fucking presidency is a shitshow.

How do their sizes run? I’m an Eddie Bauer girl, but am looking to expand my horizons. Do they run similar to Bauer/LL Bean?

Raises hand.

So how do you feel about the Olympics? Same fate tor a 15 YO girl excellent in gymnastics that is JUST cut off, but in 4 years will be too old. Luck of the draw.

I slept with Nick Hexum from 311 before they were 311. Senior year in high school. It was delicious and I fondly recall it every time I hear one of their songs.

Holy fuck, what is that picture? An add for what not to do with plastic surgery?

I do not believe this for a minute. Sorry, Vicky, but that’s not how surgery works. OR’s are scrubbed between surgeries and any and all equipment from a previous one would be long gone before the next one starts. Not possible.

What is means is that they liked what they had, took what they had for granted, and thought they deserved a little extra on the side because of “Who they are”. The partner was irrelevant regardless of talent, looks, love, sex, anything. Their other half was onlye there for “them” and only “them” and only existed in

So sorry! Now go rejoice in the glory that is “Pink Flamingos”, or if that’s too heavy, the original “Hairspray”. The lines “My diet pill is wearing off” and “I’m trying to IRON in here” make me giggle every time.

Same. And then I get the “Did you watch “Piece of garbage on bad network” last night?” questions. And I always, always tell her - mom, I don’t have those channels and/or never watch that show. So the answer will ALWAYS be no, so don’t start a convo by asking “Did you watch...”. I didn’t. And I won’t.

Umm, not sure where you got that I thought it was a “fun heroic act”.

I also only watch when I’m at my mom’s. I am BEGGING her to get an iPad so I can hook her up with my Netflix and Hulu passwords. Then she will only watch “I Love Lucy” and “Andy Griffith” reruns. I can’t wait.

That whole “I didn’t know what I had” arguement is such bullshit. It’s not that they didn’t know what they had, it’s that they didn’t give a shit and thought they would never get caught (I’m looking at you Tiger Woods - and how’d that work out for ya?). Assholes, the lot of them.

Well that’s a Sophie’s choice for anyone. Shiplap or shitfaced? Pick your poison.

This is good, except I think she DID call him out and wasn’t tolerating being a conduit. Then he delayed, lied, ignored, etc. etc. until Solange took him to task in the elevator (and Beyonce’ let her) and then the begging commenced.

Dead to rights does not equal a successful prosecution. Ask OJ how that worked out for him. 20 years is better than nothing (infuriating as it is), but there are other charges in other states, so he ain’t out in 2037 yet. I’m betting the other charges will also result in a plea deal or guilty judgement which will

A treasure. A fucking national treasure. Poop and all.

Gawd I loved his Broadway show (or whatever it was that is running on Netflix) in addition to his movies. I could listen to him tell stories for days and I would fully support any content he produces regardless of platform. Too bad Divine isn’t around to enjoy it.