
I am literally having photos taken of my old house tomorrow for listing this weekend. Now I know what NOT to approve.

I am listing my “old” happy yellow house tomorrow. I now live in a newly built, handicap accessible ranch happy yellow house. Fuck beige (except in a great coat or bag - good for every season).

Her infrastructure is having a meltdown. And in the best possible way. Not a Marilyn Hack way. Good Morning LA (or in this case, Britain).

And he cleverly got around it by invoking the new “The president didn’t demand executive privilege, but I can’t talk about it” defense. This gets curiouser and curioser every day. Alice never saw this in the looking glass.

Judge Judy said it best: Tell the truth because it is easier than remembering the lie.

Out of respect for the privacy of Mr. Warmbier and his family, we have no further comment on Mr. Warmbier.

This is a legit question (no snark intended at all): What were your oral habits before and during your stressfull situation? I myself am undergoing several dental issues (replacing crowns, bleeding gums, etc.). I am a huge believer in Brush Picks and they have made a huge difference, and as simple as it seems

Kelly, I love you. But I have to ask that you do not disparage Vidalia onions again. They are the nectar of the gods and have no business being compared to this putrid, clearly mentally impaired and racist individual.

And now I cannot unsee it. And I am sad. I need Karen Walker and her real life husband Ron Swanson to come to my house and comfort me. We could do puzzles, Karen could buy me stuff, and Ron can teach my son how to saw.

And as one who witnessed her grandfather pass from the same horrific disease, may their last days together be peaceful. Pain control and acceptance is the only good ending here. So sorry.

Strong woman. I have no doubt it will continue tomorrow.

I cannot use words to express how fantastic this is. This is a young woman who will change the world. My faith has been restored (if only for a moment).

I am shamed and proud at the same time. Almost as good as crying through tears.

And now I feel shame. My Jr. Penguin uses the word salty and I found it endearing and original. Now I am doubting that as he is a pimple faced upstairs room dweller. But, in his defense he graduated high school on Tuesday with a 4.75 GPA and a full scholarship to college. So, on the whole, I don’t think Mr. Penguin

Is it wrong for me to ask to see the receipts of the heart transplant? I don’t put it past this family for a second to use a child (except Tiffany - she is not worthy).

Slighty nauseous doesn’t cut it. He should have bad sushi food poisoning for the next 4 years to get even close to what the rest of us are feeling.

I am SPICICUS! (Said in Kirk Douglas voice).

This is excellent, but when will Twitter use it’s power to STOP movies that should not be made? I’m looking at you 3rd Spiderman reboot, The Great Wall starring an unfortunate man bun, and the shit show that will be the Dirty Dancing remake.

Gustaf. A stuffed St. Bernard my parents brought back from Germany in 1977 when I was 9. I still remember when I was as my grandparents house waiting fo mom and dad to get back, then I saw through the kitchen window when I was playing with my aunts (who were only 1 1/2 years and 3 months older than I) that there was