
I saw that immediately. Hell No!

Cat collars are required to have a quick release so the cat doesn’t get caught and choked. Does this terrible idea of restricting your young childs neck have the same thing?

I cry every freaking time. Mr. Penguin is all “What, did you think she was gonna live this time?”. He just doesn’t understand what powerful acting is in that film to make me bawl time and time again.

“The bill is not to discriminate against anyone,” he continued, “Nowhere in the bill does it say anything like that or lead you to believe that.”

Run, Vanessa! RUN! Do not engage, do not get involved. I beg you to read the Underground Bunker before you sign ANYTHING. Call Katie, she’ll tell ya.

I’m getting a total Valley of the Dolls vibe from the eyes.

Muppet is an awesome name for a dog. That is all.

No apology necessary. It was time for her to turn over anyway.

I’ve got a case of the giggles from this that woke up the cat. Thank you.

And then after Sixteen Candles there was the terrifying chance of a Jake Ryan incident. God, don’t let the note fall in to the wrong hands!

I think he looks like a toddler because he has “toddler pooping face” in this picture.

My cat has also snacked on a random goldfish cracker dropped under my desk. She also assaults me when I have a McDonalds hash brown. I have to break off a little piece for her. Cats are weird.

OK everyone, calm down. Consider me shamed. I’ll stand in the corner and think about what I have done.

I am also familiar with the “slacks” you speak of. But in my day, AOL was folded notes with the spiral notebook tear offs still attached passed between friends to get to their proper destination. Holy fuck I am old.

And you just proved my point. Hollywood is all about looks, and they don’t look like “real” people.

Well that would be a good choice for her given I am not a lesbian.

So why does my cat leave the stomach and other odd entrails outside my deck door when she makes a kill? Brain and butt? Gone. Center parts? I have to pick them up and take them away.

I thought she was more interested in acting than singing given her work history. She can sing (not great, not bad, just average, unoffensive, run of the mill voice), but her body of work is much more acting centric. There comes a point where you gotta choose (unless you are Rhianna - she can do whatever the fuck she

But how wonderful are tittiess, and are they different than titties? Is there some sort of self check I can do to see if I have titties or tittiess?

Yup. The Wunderlic was right.