My favorite Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood episodes were those when he took all the models off the shelf when he did the land of make believe part of the show.
My favorite Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood episodes were those when he took all the models off the shelf when he did the land of make believe part of the show.
Draymond is waiting to find out.
Thank you. I don’t have the time to explore lists of new songs and artists, and listen, rate, purchase, etc. I only come upon music in the car as I go to and from home, work and the store. But damn, every now and then I hear something and it hits me. She did that.
Sadly, this cycle hits me in my late 20's, so most of this is lost on me. Given that, “Rehab” is still a fucking great song. I’m old, but not too old to recognize genius. RIP Amy.
So I hate listen to Rush when I’m running errands at lunch (to keep tabs on how the democrats are controlling everything, own the media and are the architects behind any republican misstep - quite entertaining theater), and when I flipped to his channel today he was apologizing for initially broadcasting that this…
I assured my family last week that I would sell my blood if it came down to it to keep our house in bacon. We are not heathens for fucks sake. And Jr. Penguin turns 18 later this month. Then HE can also start calling our senators/rep if at any point his bacon supply chain is interrupted.
And that is the corner you get painted in to. Mr. Penguin is on SSD, plus employer LTD. It’s the LTD carrier that is fighting. And if they don’t pay, and he has to go back to work, and then SSD get’s canceled cause he’s working, he has to start all over again if he can’t cut it (and he won’t - there is no way he…
Thanks for the support, and I am here for you as well. I can be thankful that we have resources to fight, but to think the goal is to help companies make more money so they will trickle it down is tragic. If the ACA is repealed Mr. Penguin will exceed most lifetime limits (more than $1M so far), and that will be a…
Holy fuck this hit me where I live. My husband is disabled I am terrified about our future and what happens if I ever lose my job. We already are fighting his long term disability carrier, and they are changing laws to line their pockets deeper. I am infuriated.
My head spins. His arguments are completely nonsensical. How does Dodd-Frank prevent businesses from getting loans? Am I stupid?
And car seats. Will the baby’s baby be able to be carried without proper support, restraints and non-recalled equipment? The baby I assume is beyond the weight limit for needing a car seat, but what of the baby’s baby? How can we stop this tragedy in waiting? THINK OF THE BABY’S BABY!
Well...I guess this deserves the full story.
Is this celebrity and privilege eating itself? It is a caricature of a caricature. I feel sorry for her.
Added bonus. She is also righteous.
Straight woman here. She is so fucking sexy. Would watch her clean the toilet.
Same here on the friendly scale. A very indifferent cat, never wanted to cuddle, just kind of hung around. And he was really heavy for his size - built like a brick shit house. Watching him run across the yard was always a joy. They have a different stride that is really fun to watch.
I fucking want one of these. Now. My brother had a cat in his frat house named Junky that was not far from the one in front (he was a normal orange long haired tabby). I want one like the one in back and I shall name her (and it should be a her) Rashida, meaning righteous. Cause she will be.
Ever had poopy issues with the Manx? We had one that ended up having an issue in the butthole department that resulted in a vet visit. We loved him (Bezoar was his name - FYI - that is the medical term for hairball), but man, having to inspect his ass every day to make sure he wasn’t blocking up (no tail, different…
My immediate thoughts: I need a bengal in my life.
Yup. I have been telling Mr. Penguin this all along. It’s gonna happen. There is no way Spicer can hang for long. He looks like he’s ready to shit his pants every time he steps up to the lectern.