
This was amazing. She didn’t know what the fuck to do with whatever trinket they brought her and they had to take pictures. Barack (ever the gentleman) took it from her and dispatched it inside to never be seen again.

I’ve been sobbing since I got up this morning. I’m here for you.

I need Huma’s bag ASAP. Can someone more fashion savvy enlighten me on the designer?

I completely support this spin off and will watch, but a sub-series of Diane vs. Charlie (kind of an “unseen footage” thing wrapped around Blackish) would be a dream. She owns him. And he knows it.

Is anyone else bawling? Because I am. I am terrified for my Jr. Penguin and our country right now.

My apologies for my previous post. You are correct that Heir Leader and his minions use the N word WAY more often than Blazing Saddles. My bad.

You are making a tremendous assumption that Cheetolini and his minions don’t use that word. They do. You know they do.

So I got home from work today and Mr. Penguin had MSNBC on (per usual) and the concert thing was just beginning. As I started to tell him to change the channel, I can’t watch this, but I will watch the swearing in tomorrow because I am an American and believe in the peaceful transition of power, I burst into tears.

When I hear “Coldplay” all I can think about is a local radio morning show that refers to Coldplay as the “Grow up and listen to some U2 band“. Makes me giggle.

Her husband owns and operates Amway, which, I believe, has the new tagline “Technically speaking, it is a Ponzi Scheme, but you are too stupid to realize it and we will take advantage of that!”

Also, she is a Scientologist.

There is NEVER enough Stockard Channing. And this perfect casting proves it.

He’s god damn right it’s about time. For fucks sake. And he should get any back pay/benefits/etc. that he might have been denied plus interest because of this.

So that is an answer, but does not still justify why she would actually be attending the event. I comment on E! all the damn time, but I don’t see them sending me to LA to attend an event with a designer dress. (Granted, my comments are to my Mr. Penguin who doesn’t know who any of these people are, but I do in fact

Jack and Diane deserved a spot over her.

I want to be Kathryn Hahn. For just one day, Her choice in parts us awesome and I have never found her as disengenuous in her characters. And her portrayal as Jen Barkley makes me laugh every time. PONCHO!!!!!

Teenagers are garbage. I have one and it sucks (although getting better as he will be 18 next month). I was one and I look back on the garbage things I did and the nightmares I caused and am not ashamed, but I do acknowledge the pain I put my parents through and I feel stupid now. I feel like everyone has to take a

Am I the first person to learn that Courtney B. Vance and Angela Bassett are a couple? I feel like this is information I should have known years ago, but I just learned today. No judgement, great couple. I just had NO idea.

I asked myself the same question. What possible reason was she invited?

My Jezzies, I am having a hard time. This adds to it. I’ve been running on fumes for nearly 3 years (since Mr. Penguin’s brain exploded and left him permanently disabled from a ruptured brain aneurysm - (just catching people up for those that don’t know the history of PenguinLust)).