Never seen the movie. This proves my decision was wise.
Never seen the movie. This proves my decision was wise.
Jeezus I love Karen.
And one more thing: Before you see the movie get a pie (make one, buy one, whatever). You will desperately need one about 30 minutes in. I am firmly on team pie.
See the movie. You will not be disappointed. Plus, Fillion swoon.
Agreed. And isn’t that the whole point of having the choice? In the movie (which if you haven’t seen it you should), while she wasn’t happy about being pregnant, she made a willful decision to have the child. She made her choice and in the end she found her voice and strength to leave the abuser (sorry, spoiler) and…
Where the hell is Tyler Perry on this? He has a HUGE production company in Georgia. He should be front and center protesting this horrific bill (not that I enjoy his movies so much, but he has to have a huge payroll and hundreds employed - his voice would have significant weight).
And my lust for these creatures only grows! Damn good Penguin!
Penguin’s are my jam, but damned if this peanut doesn’t make me swoon.
I got 30 seconds in and the Kardashian vocal fry forced me to abandon. How do these people speak that like?
Preach. 1987 - never looked back.
And yet every weekday morning they allow Morning Joe Murderer to blow Trump with Mika looking on.
And now she has the PERFECT opening to once again bitch slap those effing republicans that continue to shut down access to screening and care for women. Go get em girl.
Not a Kim fan, but them photoshopping a cow pattern on the coat was below the belt.
But what of leftovers? Mr. Penguin loves his Thanksgiving in a bowl. His theory: Everything is better covered in gravy, so why chase it around? Load the bowl, cover it in the glory that is liquidified turkey (I make AWESOME gravy - thanks Mom for the proper training), top with a few Durkee onions and put that spoon to…
My thoughts: I think Ricotta is too dry on its own, so I typically mix ricotta and cottage together (50/50) in lieu of traditional bechamel sauce. My mom did it, I do it, and Mr. Penguin and Jr. Penguin eat for days on it. Can’t be anything wrong with that.
I approve this apology. No spin, no hiding, just a simple we fucked up and we are going to try and fix it.
I haven’t been combing the replies, but when it comes to Kanye and the Kardashian’s, has anyone told them their fashion sense is terrible?
I am hyperventilating. When did you get in my head?
That is some quality Kinja.
I don’t know WHO, but get it girl. Make em’ pay.