God bless you Eileen. This song was from my youth, but I would have never thought it would be prescient in 2016.
God bless you Eileen. This song was from my youth, but I would have never thought it would be prescient in 2016.
@SethMacFarlane - does it really take more than 140 characters for you to determine that the assholes don’t have fully formed thoughts?
I fully support this and offer my services to help Snoop prepare for work, as well as to review and provide input on his end product (as long as Snoop can provide me the necessary “materials” to make sure this is an objective review).
You do you, Rob. Godspeed.
OMG - Had no idea about the twins. And now I have to go watch “Valley of the Dolls” again.
I have a fantasy that each time there is a rally like this, truckloads of needy women seeking abortions were dropped off and each one walked up to one of these pathetic people and said “Hi, you prevented my abortion and I have no other options. Take me home and support me until I give birth and am able to support…
One of my top 3 P&R episodes. Long live Ron Swanson.
FUCK this. When I see a Kardashikid wearing an outfit that would pay for MONTHS of therapy (only to throw it into a trash heap or “donate” it somewhere to get a tax break) I want to slap the filler right out of Kim’s face (and apparently Kylie too given the velocity of her facial changes). Sorry, a little punchy - I…
This makes my cold penguin heart happy.
She is Kea Michelle, the long lost Kardashian daughter.
Is it wrong that I spit my Bacardi/Diet Coke out at this in a fit a laughter? I’m not sure what was funnier, the people who think Judge Judy is on the supreme court, or the statistic that a legit 13% of our population thinks she is. And now I am sad and will make another drink.
Would you give up your firstborn child (in my case my only child) to be on the set of a Christopher Guest movie?
Confession time: I have never seen Love Actually, Titanic or the Notebook. There. I said it.
Incorrect. While Beckham is an extremely fine example of a sexy man, Idris Elba is in fact the sexiest man on the planet.
That’s a lovely thought that in a “few more months” we will know where he will end up. My Mr. Penguin suffered a ruptured brain aneurysm and major stroke in May 2014 (age: 42). He will never be the same person, and still suffers significant physical and mental deficiencies. This is the longest marathon anyone could…
Legit question: When do equal time rules go into play? Could Jeb! force Lorne to make him host a show? Christie? Bernie? Aren’t networks required to offer equal access to air time at some point in the election cycle?
Jr. Penguin is attending a STEM school. 4.3 GPA in the first half of his Jr. year. He has acquired a Girlfriend Penguin (hereafter known as GF Penguin) and she is in all his technical classes. As a technical project manager myself herding the shiny object distracted boys, I applaud and support her efforts, both to…
I want to join this squad. Fuck Taylor Swift.
I have 2 words for you: Uterine Ablation. Best thing I ever did. Crippling cramps, what appeared to be gallons of blood loss, ruined underwear and sheets regardless of the dams that were built via multiple tampons, pads, etc. - all gone. I had it done when I was 38 after determining there would only be one Jr. Penguin…