
No. The truth is that “civilization” is just a bunch of people who’ve agreed to fake it.

She doesn’t want to be the “bitch” who “overacts” and ruins it for everyone. We’ve all been there.

Exactly! His whole character has ALWAYS been on the sidelines and not integrated well into the cast. There is no need for him. They can reference him and have it work.

It’s super condescending and offensive. Like she is simply overreacting. And almost implying she’s the unprofessional one.

I think most women have lived this interview many many times in their lives and I know personally I just want to go up to Jessica and offer her a stiff drink and an ear to bitch about the bloody men she is trying to remain friends with to be professional but damn are they dude-bro morons

Exactly. To me it read like gaslighting.

Jeffrey Tambor is 73 FUCKING YEARS OLD! How much more damn time does he need in order to learn/grow into a person who behaves in a respectful and professional manner?

I think this interview will feel very familiar to any women that wants people to know what happened to them was not okay, but also feel pressured to go along to get along.

“Let me just say one thing that I just realized in this conversation...

EXACTLY THIS. Why are his feelings so much more important than hers, other than that she’s a woman?

Jessica Walter is a gift and she shouldn’t have to deal with this. How is it that she’s stating that she has NEVER been yelled at like that throughout her career, and everyone is blowing past it??

That is so sad. My heart goes out to her for having to put up with that utter, utter shitshow.

No, Jessica, you don’t have to be friends with him! God I could cry.


This part was rough to read too:

It will be amazing if Jessica Walters threatens to leave the show! they are literally telling her how she should feel when this obviously awful guy who was kicked out of another show yelled at her. Let’s all admit, that show wouldn’t be half as funny if Jessica Walters left.

How do we release an unrepentant murderer? I hope that there’s a no contact requirement, in which she’ll be imprisoned again if she contacts any of her terrorist pals.

In addition to a mandatory anti-bias training that all Starbucks employees received on May 29

The other Spencer is really, really ridiculously good-looking, too. What a fricking amazing-looking family.

Is she the one in green? I couldn’t stop looking at her!