
plenty of people’s parents die at a young age and they don’t go on to abuse children but thanks for coming out!!! 

Hahahaha I had to double check this one just to be sure. The fact that it is entirely plausible that he could’ve written this is disturbing...

Wait, what? Why is he spouting “No Collusion” in a tweet that is supposed to be empathetic towards victims and their families? He is a fucking moron.

Fuck that guy, fuck Walgreens, and fuck the law making it ok.

Everybody is talking about how this is shameful to Americans. True, but a huge number of decent Americans are doing whatever they can to fight this evil. As a foreigner, I would like to approach it from another angle: this is shameful to the rest of the World, specially Western nations who claim to be “civilized”,


I believe Courtney would concoct some plan to get the guitar back, but I think she would just handle it herself. I mean, she wouldn’t do it well, she’d probably just stand outside his house, throwing empty liquor bottles, screaming “give me back the fucking guitar asshole”, but she would do it all on her own.

“Out of the dozens of Kurt Cobain guitars she has, she gave this one to her husband.”

I knew some dip would say something like this. Such horseshit

Nope! Doesn’t matter what gender, a person wou does something like that is awful.

I think the psychological warfare part definitely sounds possible. I am very confident the murder part is an exaggeration.

Even if you put the suicide attempts aside, that Courtney Love could keep a secret for 24 years is damn near impossible.

What kind of shitbag monster do you have to be to refuse to give a woman her famous dead dad’s guitar???? idgaf if it was a gift or what the prenup said; that is fucking vile. Deport this fucker from the planet already.

I’m not sure which party of crazies hatched this plan but either way, it was devised over a giant pile of cocaine.

I mean, he didn’t die.

I’ll always love Courtney & don’t believe the conspiracy theories that she killed Kurt or had him killed. But this? Yeah, I can totally believe she did this, especially since Sam Lutfi is involved. Dude is shady AF & Courtney’s always been unstable. This needs to be made into a movie regardless.

Following up “I’m not attracted to Asian men” with “... and he could only get hot white guys like me by paying for them or finding fame addicts” makes it sound pretty damned racist.

Agreed. They are only remotely the same if your version of same is “simple white dress with sleeves” but the neck doesn’t match (Elizabeth’s looks more off-the-shoulder than boatneck) and the cut of skirt isn’t even similar at all (Meghan’s is basically a loose mermaid and the other is straight up princess).

That does not look like the same dress. Just the same basic style of dress.