
I know. I’m so humiliated for Trumps very existence, if that makes sense . How did he live this long?!

But Norman was likable!

I got an expensive vape that has that same burn as cigarettes when I wanted to quit smoking a few years ago. I totally feel like douche, too , so I simply won’t smoke it in public- ever. But i feel so freaking amazing and energetic and i can BREATHE again so eh, if people want to bash vapes cuz they look ridiculous, I

Doesn’t customs have divers that search for that kinda thing when a ship is being searched? Or did I just imagine that (possible)?

Over here!! Into my open palm please!

I have several dogs and one is extremely close to me. I love and cherish them all of course and all of them cuddle me close when we sleep but I have a really special strong bond with my oldest dog. It breaks my heart into a million pieces even IMAGING that we won’t be together forever but I agree with you and I

Oh my god. I JUST realized he played the pedo guy when you said that. How did i not see it!?

Hey now. My dog tells me what to do all the time. At least it’s cool shit, though. Like “let’s go for that walk and split some watermelon, woman.”

When I was the leader of my daughters Girl Scout troop about 5 years ago, most of the parents showed up without their kids to sell the cookies. The icing on the cake was when it was time to bring their earnings to the meetings so we could split it up correctly to send in to the head office, and pay for trips for the

That’s me if my 20 year old wouldn’t have called or answered. She usually texts me every couple of hours so i kinda flip if it’s been about 10 hours or so and radio silence.

My kids would grab my water bottles and go town. They would also give me a smooch on the lips at young ages but more often than not, kids are gonna grab their parents drinks and think nothing of it anyway.

That is so infuriating! I don’t understand why and how some kids slip through like that but i would guess it is that they are overworked and underfunded. They probably don’t have a lot of people going into that field to begin with because it does take a certain kind of person to be able to emotionally handle what CPS

I never knew. I make it eggless all the time and just assumed everyone did.

I’m so sorry and I wish an adult had helped you when you needed it most. It’s so unfair.

Simply put: they aren’t smart. On top of that, now we see there are a large number of people in America who are downright destructive and a burden to democracy. I’m in a Trump State. He overwhelmingly won here and this is why I have no friends.

But btw, that is really awesome of you to go out of your way for your in laws dietary restrictions.

This is why if I’m going to eat with family or friends, I always say “I’ll bring a couple of vegan dishes and you can make whatever you had planned!” Everyone has been super appreciative of this so far. Vegans really don’t want to put anyone out as it gets exhausting to be on display all the time.

I’m not even sure the world will still be standing in 2019. Kinda brave of them to assume earth won’t be blown to bits by then. Maybe the producers don’t watch the news. Ugh. Now we will never see the ending.

This gave me so much anxiety. My daughters both wanted to do pageants when they were little and I wouldn’t let them because a) they were old enough to be traumatized by the experience and b) I know myself, and I would have been a WRECK and angry when they inevitably wouldn’t win (because no matter how beautiful your

That’s my vote too. If they are in a super big hurry, “clump of cells” can cover it in a pinch.