They don't look anything like them. Some blackface would have helped this immensely.
They don't look anything like them. Some blackface would have helped this immensely.
Never saw Top of the Lake.
It's kinda similar to all the "We're not misogynists you stupid cunt!" tweets and all their variations sent at women critical of the whole thing.
Some of these dudes complain about misrepresentation and (quite literally) in the same sentence embody that very stereotype they're complaining about being lumped into. I…
Vitriol is different than threats of personal safety, however. Everyone criticizing GG is directly addressing it's core problem: That GG has misogynistic supporters. Regardless of any noble intent, it is the misogynists that are the problem, and bringing that up at all brings the misogynists to the fore. Even…
I've been saying this for a while now.
I grew up in a time when being a "gamer" was cause for ridicule. Shit, admitting to owning a Nintendo in the mid-80's was a good way to get your ass kicked at my school (not at all schools, I understand).
Now that gaming's finally mainstreamed, and the hobby has -finally- gained…
What strikes me about the doxxing comment I saw was that it was posted as a weird, fucked up way of reassuring Felicia Day—their assertion was that the info was easy to find, so all her fears were silly. And it's just such ridiculous logic. Here's someone being vulnerable, and that's how you respond?
I would have zero sympathy for any of these assholes that are threatening and doxxing people if they wound up with a bullet in the head. Literally zero sympathy. That might put the brakes on other people trying this shit.
Should just put those pics side-by-side: Before fleeing Denver to join ISIS, and after fleeing Denver to join ISIS.
Fox & Friends has a bone to pick with you, Penabler.
Oh Penabler. I want to take you to a diner, buy you a slice of pie, and tell the server how great you are.
There are too many preschools.
Apparently he copy pasted that message to a ton of women today. Shockingly it didnt end well.
benevolent racism
There was a crossover?! (I rarely watched either one of these shows.)
I know the perfect guy.
I'd hit it.