
I can open a bottle with anything bc I’m a drunk. It’s my superpower (and secret weakness!!)

All your Lego people can be rapists and pedophiles already if one uses their imagination.

Ghost is me, I was banned mysteriously from Jez and Gawker so I'm starting over. I was going to use this account for a fake food blog but found out someone was already doing it with the same name.

That one is really me. I got banned on Gawker months ago and Jezebel this week so I started the new gray account to start over. No idea why I was banned.

At first I was sad thinking that Lady Gaga is my generation’s Bowie, but now I’m day drinking and I’m kind of thinking she’d be a rad Goblin King.

Lady Gaga is our generations Bowie I guess [shoots self in heart].

FORMER sweethearts?! Excuse you, Mr Finger.

The Defenders this time around will be bro heavy (mostly men in it) but in the comics they had all female teams before.

Totally, and I love that Coogler just got the director role too. Marvel is trying to do this thing right and I'm so excited.

Most of the comics seem to draw them like athletes these days, rather than pin-ups or fashion models. I remember in the 90s I was too shy to purchase the comics with women on the cover because they were too sexual and I didn’t want the woman at the book store to think I was a pervert.

Im serious.

I think it probably makes jenkem, but it's worth it.

I'm kind of surprised but then again I spent half the movie with tears in my eyes.

I think it's pretty pussy I can't see men kill each other for my amusement.

Fuck yourself, PC idiot. So naive. We should actually nuke Muslims in every country, and make their urns out of pig hides. And then we should make a spaceship so powerful it can fly to heaven and nuke Allah. Bleeding hearts like you will doom us all to shanaya law.

I'm stopping reading entirely because I'm a hero.

rza should use half that money to pay assassins to kill Shkreli.

Playing dress up is fun.

Suck suck suck my balls, Ass Blood. Apologize when this story is bullshit tomorrow or... Make a new burner for kinja to fart out your idiocy.