
This is a TRAVESTY.

yep, that’s who I was thinking and i hate,hate,hated her until AHS. I had been hoping for a Bowie cameo in that

It was actually shrunk down due to a malfunction in Ant-Man’s suit, and they end up having a Fantastic Voyage inside of Hulk due to him injesting them by a series of quirky events.

That's called being English. We've heard tell of the yellow heat giving orb but it's not been seen over the skies of Albion for many a year.

He looks like he’s been inside an office for the last ten years. “I’m your claim examiner, I’m here to help.”

Don’t be absurd! It’s not pea soup. It’s the 90s Nickelodeon slime vat.

You see, Ivan, if design headrest like this, too scared of injure so you not injure.

That headreast looks like it’s designed to cause a neck injury in a rear impact.

Then our generation deserves to be burned to the ground.

Finally I know!

Mark Waid and G. Willow Wilson were discussing on Twitter how big Kamala can get, and they decided on 9ft.

Alternate caption: Underage girl sexually harasses Captain America

Yep, TOTALLY a Disney move. To quote Harlan Ellison: “Nobody fucks with the Mouse”.

meanwhile, airsoft maintains its position and real gun owners continue laughing as they spend idiotic amounts of money on toys they can’t even shoot each other with

Nerf guns = designed not to hurt people. Guns = designed to kill people. I cannot see a difference either.

At least be funny

The death scene is actualy at the climax of the biggest battle, Phil Colson comes ripping around a corner in Lola and blindsides Iron Man killing him instantly. Phil is wasted and rocking out to some serious cello music and doesn’t even stop or slow down. Avengers are all like “WTF???” Meanwhile a DC movie somewhere

“Jumanji takes its former slot on July 28, 2017.”