I don’t see how he suits up on Sunday and/or is effective. Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t breathing and turning two very important parts of playing football?
I don’t see how he suits up on Sunday and/or is effective. Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t breathing and turning two very important parts of playing football?
Please explain to me how encouraging someone/people in general to be “fat” (which we assume means over what is generally considered a healthy weight) is beneficial for either that specific person or society. I am really curious why you think that would be good. I’m not someone who is pro fat-shaming or anything like…
Good rebuttal.
As a woman, honestly I don’t feel like it’s “oppressive.” I am where I am, my circumstances are what they are through my own choices. Is it hard at times? Do I want to kick my husband in the balls for far less egregious offenses? Do I experience a “Calgon, take me away” moment every so often with my kids? ABSOLUTELY.…
Maybe don’t encourage someone to actively make themselves less healthy and more likely to die young.
Football is terrible and we should all stop watching it.
When did Bill Murray go from regular comedian to venerated as some sort of god? I first noticed it in that zombie movie and it seemed very weird & sudden to me then. Still weird now.
Wife-beating Bill Murray’s shit isn’t cute, if it ever was. The fuck out of here you narcissistic, violent asshole.
Again, this is an accused domestic abuser. His shtick is not cute.
Most people I know would be thrilled to get a letter from the President elect.
This came across my Twitter feed tonight. Somehow I don’t find this terribly implausible.
This is the most Seahawks’ fan comment ever. Make it clear your fanbase is superior to others while also making sure to mention how long-standing your fandom is to differentiate yourself from the rest of your newly minted fans. I’ve read numerous accounts of terrible Seahawk fan behavior. Fuck off.
me too
No, I’m not wasting my breath or energy. I’ve spent the last 12 years warning them that one day they’d go too far, and they’ve ignored every warning. They can play the martyrs all they want. My kid is thrilled, no more going to mass or listening to their thinly veiled racist bullshit. I’ll drink their sadness like…
Again, it’s not about the vote, it’s about what it represents. If you voted for Trump, then you can’t honestly say that you respect women, homosexuals, Muslims, or most minorities, because your actions have put the lie to your words.
I agree. it’s very personal. If you want to take away my health insurance, not allow my wife or daughter to have a safe, legal abortion and think it’s okay to treat my gay and trans friends as second class citizens, I take that VERY personally.
I think the usual “it’s just a candidate” thinking goes out the window with Trump. He is a cult of personality and what he advocates goes not only beyond the standard “compassionate conservative” nonsense and into straight-up bigotry.
This is a turning point for the culture of our country and the future of our society.…
That’s nice that you can consider someone who doesn’t disapprove of racism and misogyny enough to not cast a vote for a presidential candidate who openly trades in both, amongst a host of other odious traits, a decent person merely because of your familial relationship with them. Not everyone agrees or finds that as…
Some friends of mine have done the same thing and it has basically torn their family apart. I don’t know your situation but if, like my friends, your goal is to keep hateful mother fuckers away from young and impressionable children then stay strong. No kindergartener needs to hear racial slurs and violent language…
No, because they voted for Trump and they’re openly racist. I have to question anyone’s judgment who voted for Trump. And now they’ll regret that decision for as long as I see fit. My daughter is on board, she’ old enough to chime in, and she agrees. I gave her the ultimate choice. She’s never liked going there…