“Somewhere, Fancy Pelosi is being fitted for her new shades so she can stunt on these GOPers when she goes to give her speech about how she Debo’d the president and punk’d him into opening the government.”
“Somewhere, Fancy Pelosi is being fitted for her new shades so she can stunt on these GOPers when she goes to give her speech about how she Debo’d the president and punk’d him into opening the government.”
Notorious P.I.G? I like it.
N[otEvenInQuotes] vu is the subconscious, instinctive sense of knowing something that you can’t shake, no matter how hard you try.
BET Uncut crawled so these bitches could walk
I haven’t assumed anything
Actually, I don't trust conventionally attractive people to lead a discussion on colorism. That pretty people advantage clouds lots of minds....
Don’t get me started! lol
I know. Being a Dark skinned double minority is brutal and puzzling. Don;t even get me started on Black men who *love* dark-skinned woman only if the have a certain aesthetic.
I mean, I don’t disagree with you; but, my point still stands that colorism affects Black women significantly more (just like any other abuse which affects women more).
#Facts. A black man leading a conversation on colorism gets a serious side eye
Nah, I stand by my opinion. Thanks.
I’m going to be honest - I don’t trust any Black man to lead a discussion on colorism. Colorism in the Black community disproportionally affects Black women and especially so when it comes to mass media.
They're seriously unhinged.
Killed for the crime of living his life and not hurting anyone.
I’m sorry, but this pathetic middle school burn has me cracking up right now.
Lady Gaga lol
Who The Fuck Is This Troll.
But you are so close to having a racist melt down Becky, come just a little closer, you got this, let the world see what an angry bigot you are.