
1. That will be beautiful when it's finished in the someday future. :) (I too have someday future The Neverending Marriage Sampler.)

LOL. Perfect. I'm all for not defining women in terms of their roles in relation to men, but pick your battles. This site's about celebrity, and what distinguishes this murder trial from others is that a celebrity athlete is the accused. There's a tension on this site between having integrity and being part of pop

Well, I don't apologize for hooking them with my honey. I enjoyed seeing them shiver with anticipation whenever I neared them. The coffee's good. The coffee's good.

Once again this has found itself being so appropriate.

I just want to say goodbye and good luck to everyone before Kinja changes, in case I never see you again.

You know this shit taint funny...

Maybe we should just stop hero worshiping celebs? And running articles like 'you BFF' or 'your boyfriend'. Treating celebs like this is harmful. If we keep showing someone like Jennifer Lawrence (a thin young white woman not exactly a far cry from hollywood's standards) as the 'different' 'everywoman' 'relatable' girl

Probably. I watch and try and gauge whether it's a new episode or one that aired before the real estate bubble burst. I've always wondered what happened to those people who had tenuous sounding jobs that bought McMansions for zero down. Are they still bitching because the granite isn't a hue they care for? Or are they

Could you legally live in that? I mean, without putting major work into it. Because if there has been a fire, I'm assuming it no longer has running water or electricity. Also, parts of the building are probably unsound structurally.

I derive no enjoyment from judging addicts. I'm disappointed that so many of you do.

50 Cent got a little kid vest for his kid.

Same here, I have never seen a heroin nod. However, this women looks messed up and it's clear she needs some sort of assistance/aid.

Come on, you know everyone has to has 50,000 babies to keep the farm going when 30% succumb to consumption! More babies! More lil' consumers! Let's get in that 8-seat SUV pigmobile and head to the big box stores—we need plastic crap and enough garbage bags to support our huge family! It's the American Way(tm)!!
Are you

Except homophobia is bigotry based on ignorance and hatred while dislike and criticism of these people is based on cause. They are the bigots. They subjugate women. They treat women like farm animals.

Now playing

Well here's my little weigh-in. I am with a Romanian Orthodox man who came here as an adult (so totally had time to be screwed up by machismo AND super conservative religion AND Ceaușescu) Remember the mother in My Big Fat Greek Wedding? Yup. That's it. It works pretty well.

Rosewood is tough for ME. When the white kids at school had to watch it, I just knew they would be severely uncomfortable LOL!